
From Buddha-Nature

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Sanskrit Adjective



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{{#arraymap: གཉིས་མེད་

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Basic Meaning

Literally, "without duality," it refers to that which is indivisible, in that it is not divided into two.

Term Variations
Key Term advaya
Topic Variation advaya
Tibetan {{#arraymap: གཉིས་མེད་

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Wylie Tibetan Transliteration {{#arraymap:gnyis med

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Devanagari Sanskrit अद्वय
Romanized Sanskrit advaya
Chinese {{#arraymap:不二|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Chinese Pinyin {{#arraymap:bu’er,bù èr|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Japanese Transliteration {{#arraymap:funi|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Buddha-nature Site Standard English {{#arraymap:nonduality|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Karl Brunnhölzl's English Term {{#arraymap:nondual|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Richard Barron's English Term {{#arraymap:nondual,nonduality|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term {{#arraymap:non-duality,non-dualistic|,|@@@|@@@|, }}
Term Information
Source Language Sanskrit
Basic Meaning Literally, "without duality," it refers to that which is indivisible, in that it is not divided into two.
Term Type Adjective
Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism See page 20 - 21: In Sanskrit, “nonduality”; one of the common synonyms for the highest teachings of Buddhism and one of the foundational principles of the Mahāyāna presentation of doctrine. Nonduality refers to the definitive awareness achieved through enlightenment, which transcends all of the conventional dichotomies into which compounded existence is divided (right and wrong, good and evil, etc.). Most specifically, nondual knowledge (advayajñāna) transcends the subject-object bifurcation that governs all conventional States of consciousness and engenders a distinctive type of awareness that no longer requires an object of consciousness.