- Series Editor’s Prefacexi
- Author’s Prefacexv
- Abbreviationsxix
Part One: Introduction
- Study of the Madhyāntavibhāga3
- Yogācāra Buddhist Philosophy3
- What Is Yogācāra5
- Ālaya-vijñāna9
- Vijñapti-mātra12
- Trisvabhāva15
- A Semiotic Soteriology20
- The Madhyāntavibhāga Corpus28
- Madhyāntavibhāga29
- Madhyāntavibhāga-bhāsya32
- Madhyāntavibhāga-tīkā34
- Authorship and Dates36
- The MAV/Bh’s Relation to Other Texts41
- The MAV/Bh’s Place in the Yogācāra Tradition45
- The Exegesis of the Madhyāntavibhāga48
- Exegesis of the Introduction 48
- Exegesis of Chapter 1: Definitions50
- Exegesis of Chapter 2: Obstructions66
- Exegesis of Chapter 3: Reality74
- Exegesis of Chapter 4: Cultivation of Antidotes, States, and Results87
- Exegesis of Chapter 5: The Unsurpassed Vehicle95
- Exegesis of the Concluding Verse110
- Yogācāra Buddhist Philosophy3
Part Two: Annotated Translation of the Madhyāntavibhāga/-bhāsya
- Introduction 115
- I. Definitions117
- II. Obstructions131
- III. Reality143
- IV. Cultivation of Antidotes, States, and Results161
- V. The Unsurpassed Vehicle173
- Concluding Verse192
Glossary, Bibliography, and Index
- Glossary195
- Bibliography199
- Index213