The Essence of Other-Emptiness

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The Essence of Other-Emptiness

Jeffrey Hopkins continues his groundbreaking exploration of the Jo-nang-ba sect of Tibetan Buddhism with this revelatory translation of one of the seminal texts from that tradition. Whereas Dol-bo-ba's massive Mountain Doctrine authenticates the doctrine of other-emptiness through extensive scriptural citations and elaborate philosophical arguments, Taranatha's more concise work translated here situates the doctrine of other-emptiness within the context of schools of tenets, primarily the famed four schools of Tibetan Buddhism, through comparing the various schools' opinions on the status of the noumenon and phenomena. Also included is a supplementary text by Taranatha which presents the opinions of a prominent fifteenth-century Sakya scholar, Shakya Chok-den, and contrasts them with those of the leading Jo-nang-ba scholar Dol-bo-ba. (Source: Back Cover)

Citation Hopkins, Jeffrey, trans. The Essence of Other-Emptiness. By Tāranātha. Boston: Snow Lion Publications, 2007.

  • Technical Notes7
  • Introduction9
  • The Essence of Other-Emptiness by Tāranātha23
    • I. General Indication of Presentations of Tenets25
      • Non-Buddhist Schools of Tenets25
      • Buddhist Schools of Tenets31
        • Great Exposition School34
        • Sūtra School42
        • Mind-Only School52
        • Middle Way School55
    • II. Identifying the Presentation of the Middle78
      • The Uncommon Meaning93
    • III. Clearing Away Extremes Imputed by Others102
  • Twenty-one Differences Regarding the Profound Meaning by Tāranātha117
  • List of Abbreviations137
  • Bibliography139
    • 1. Sūtras and Tantras139
    • 2. Other Sanskrit and Tibetan Works141

TA ra nA tha. gzhan stong snying po.

  1. In gsung 'bum/_tA ra nA tha (rtag brtan phun tshongs gling gi par ma), Vol. 4: 491-514. Leh: c. namgyal & tsewang taru, 1982-1987. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
  2. In gsung 'bum/_tA ra nA tha('dzam thang par ma), Vol. 18: 171-193. Dzam thang dgon, 199-. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
  3. In gsung 'bum/_tA ra nA tha(dpe bsdur ma), Vol. 36: 162-182. Pe cin: krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, 2008. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
  4. In rnam grol 'dod 'jo ris med dpe rnying khang gi tshad ldan nges don dpe tshogs, Vol. 4: 229-254. Zi ling: rnam grol 'dod 'jo dpe rnying khang, 2007-2009. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg
  5. gzhan stong dbu ma'i snying po. In rdzogs ldan chos mchog dbu ma gzhan stong gi chos skor. Shang kang: Shang kang then mA dpe skrun khang, 2005: 214-239. Buda by BDRC Logo.jpg