Tudeng Nima Rinpoche is the Director of the Paltseg Tibetan Rare Texts Research Center, TBRC board member, visiting scholar at the University of Virginia, and board member of the China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture. In 2000-2003, he was a Senior Research Scholar at Columbia University in the East Asian Institute. From 2004 to the present he has been a visiting scholar at the University of Virginia. Tudeng Nima Rinpoche has written many papers for which he has received numerous awards. He has rescued and reproduced thousands of important and rare Tibetan texts. He has made outstanding contributions to Tibetan culture and education and is renowned as one of the world’s leading Tibetan Buddhist scholars. (Adapted from BDRC September 17, 2020)
Library Items
Other names
- gzan dkar mchog sprul thub bstan nyi ma · other names (Wylie)
- a lags gzan dkar rin po che thub bstan nyi ma · other names (Wylie)
- gzan dkar rin po che · other names (Wylie)
- gzan dkar thub bstan nyi ma · other names (Wylie)
Affiliations & relations
- nil · workplace affiliation