ngo bo

From Buddha-Nature

Tibetan Noun

ngo bo

essential nature

Basic Meaning
Essence or the most basic, fundamental nature or natural state of being. It is often used as a synonym for rang bzhin.

Term Variations
Key Term ngo bo
Topic Variation ngo bo
Tibetan ངོ་བོ་  ( ngowo)
Wylie Tibetan Transliteration ngo bo  ( ngowo)
Devanagari Sanskrit भाव
Romanized Sanskrit bhāva
Buddha-nature Site Standard English essential nature
Richard Barron's English Term essence, essence (of being), essential nature
Jeffrey Hopkin's English Term entity
Dan Martin's English Term substance. NOT in the sense of material substance (as in materialism).
Gyurme Dorje's English Term essential nature
Term Information
Source Language Tibetan
Basic Meaning Essence or the most basic, fundamental nature or natural state of being. It is often used as a synonym for rang bzhin.
Related Terms svabhāva, rang bzhin
Term Type Noun
Tshig mdzod Chen mo rang bzhin dang gnas lugs
Synonyms rang bzhin