Lhakdor, Geshe

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PeopleLhakdor, Geshe


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Geshe Lhakdor
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Venerable Geshe Lhakdor is the Director of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives in Dharamsala. Geshe La was born in western Tibet and came to India, completing advanced degrees at the University of Delhi and Punjab and continuing on to complete a full Geshe degree at Drepung Loseling Monastic University in south India. He has held many posts in support of the Dharma, as well as translating many texts, some from Tibetan to English, and some from English to Tibetan including:
  • Shantideva's Compendium of Precepts (Shikshasamucchaya)
  • The Three Essential Meanings (Nyingpo Donsum)
  • Tsongkhapa's Three Principal Aspects of Path
  • Words of Manjushri by the Fifth Dalai lama (into English)
  • Versified Lamrim by Dvagpo Ngawang Drakpa (Into English)
  • Universe in a Single Atom (into Tibetan)
    • Co-translator, co-editor, co-producer (partial list)
      • The Way to Freedom, by HH Dalai Lama, HarperCollins (USA)
      • The Joy of Living and Dying in Peace by HH Dalai Lama, HarperCollins
      • Awakening the Mind and Lightening the Heart by HH Dalai Lama, HarperCollins
      • Stages of Meditation by HH Dalai Lama, Snow Lion Publications, Ithaca NY, USA
      • His Holiness's Commentary of Nagarjuna's Fundamental Wisdom (into Tibetan)
      • Kindness, Clarity and Insight by HH Dalai Lama (into Tibetan)
      • His Holiness's Commentary on Nagarjuna's Letter to the Friend (into Tibetan)
      • His Holiness's Extensive Commentary on Thogme Zangpo's 37 Bodhisattava Practices.

Affiliations & relations

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