Carré, P.

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Patrick Carré
Patrick Carré holds a Masters and Ph.D. in Chinese (honorable mention), Paris VII. He completed a three-year retreat with Pema Wangyal Rinpoché from 1981–1983. He is a poet and author, the former director of the “Trésors du bouddhisme” collection at Éditions Fayard, and a member of Padmakara Translation Group. He has been a Tsadra Foundation Fellow since 2002.

Current Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Fellow:

  • Le Trésor de précieuses qualitiés, Book II, by Jigme Lingpa, commentary Kangyour Rinpoche

Completed Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Fellow:

  • Une Lampe sur la chemin de la libération, Dudjom Rinpoche
  • Soûtra de l’Entrée dans la dimension absolue, Gandavyuha sûtra
  • Traité de la Continuité suprême du Grand Véhicule - Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra, avec le commentaire de Jamgön Kongtrul Lodreu Thayé L'Incontestable Rugissement du lion. Plazac: Éditions Padmakara, 2019


Previously Published Translations as a member of l’Association Padmakara, grantee of Tsadra Foundation:

  • Petites instructions essentielles, Dudjom Rinpoche
  • Perles d’ambroisie, (3 vols.), Kunzang Palden (with Christian Bruyat)
  • Bodhicaryavatara, La Marche vers l’Éveil, Shantideva (with Christian Bruyat)
  • Les Stances fondamentales de la Voie médiane, Mûlamadhyamakakârikâ, Nagarjuna
  • Le Trésor de précieuses qualités, Jigmé Lingpa, commentary by Longchen Yéshé Dorjé Kangyour Rinpoche (with Gwénola le Serrec)
  • Le Lotus blanc, Explication détaillée de la Prière en Sept Vers de Gourou Rinpoche, Mipham Namgyal (trans. Patrick Carré)
  • Les Cent conseils de Padampa Sangyé, Dilgo Khyentse (trans. from English)
  • Mahasiddhas, La vie de 84 sages de l’Inde, Abhayadatta (with Christian Bruyat)
  • Les Larmes du bodhisattva, Enseignements bouddhistes sur la consommation de chair animale, Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol (from the English translation by Helena Blankleder and Wulstan Fletcher, trans. with Kim-Anh Lim and Vincent Horeau)
  • Au coeur de la compassion, Gyalsé Thogmé Zangpo, commentary by Dilgo Khyentse (with Kim-Anh Lim
  • Soûtra des Dix Terres: Dashabhûmika. Paris: Librairie Arthème Fayard, 2004. (Source Accessed Jan 29, 2020)

Affiliations & relations

  • nil · workplace affiliation
  • Pema Wangyal Rinpoche · teacher