Śrījñānākara was an Indian paṇḍita who often collaborated with Rinchen Zangpo. He is listed as the translator of the Pradīpoddyotana-nāma-ṭīkā (Sgron ma gsal bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i rgya cher bshad pa), a root text on the Guhyasamaja Tantra (Dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po chen), and is listed as the author of a commentary called Entering into Secret Mantra (Mantravatara, Gsang sngags la 'jug pa). (Source Accessed Aug, 21, 2020)
Other names
- dpal ye shes 'byung gnas · other names (Wylie)
Affiliations & relations
- lhas btsas · student