Kṛṣṇapaṇḍita was and Indian scholastic who lived in the 11th century and was the author or translator of numerous works. According to The Treasury of Knowledge: Book Five, Buddhist Ethics, Krishna Pandita (Kṛṣṇa Paṇḍita) was the "author of one of the most respected commentaries to Shantideva's Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life. He is not the Krishna (Kṛṣṇācārya) who is counted among the eighty-four accomplished tantric adepts of ancient India. The means for restoration of the commitments is found in his Ascertainment of the Difficult Points of the Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life (Bodhisattvacaryāvatāraduravabodhananirvṇaya; Byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa'i rtogs par dka' ba'i gnas gtan la dbab pa) (Toh. 3875), f. 95a7–b3." ('Jam mgon kong sprul. The Treasury of Knowledge: Book Five, Buddhist Ethics. Translated by Kalu Rinpoché Translation Group. [New York: Snow Lion Publications, 2003], 424n85).
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