My research focuses on the philosophy of language and culture, particularly based on the works of Ernst Cassirer and Wilhelm von Humboldt. My interests also encompass regional philosophies including pre-modern Buddhist and modern Japanese philosophy. I have published widely in various languages and translated seminal philosophical works from Japanese into German and English.
Throughout my career, I have been engaged in cross-cultural and interdisciplinary research activities inside and outside of academia. I am the founding member of the research network »Morphology as Scientific Paradigm« (funded by the German Research Council, DFG) and have co-curated (as »Konzeptbegleiter«) the new permanent exhibit »Play of culture/s« (»Spiel der Kultur/en«) at Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. (Source Accessed May 14, 2020)
Affiliations & relations
- Institute of Philosophy, Hildesheim University, Germany - Lecturer · workplace affiliation
- Visiting Research Fellow, Host: Graham Priest, Depart. of Philosophy, Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), USA · secondary affiliation
- nil · websites