Müller, R.

From Buddha-Nature
PeopleMüller, R.
< People

After graduating from Humboldt University Berlin and following (post-)doctoral research in Munich, Zurich and Kyoto, I am currently a research fellow at the Institute of Philosophy at Hildesheim University (Germany), which specializes in Asian and World philosophy.

My research focuses on the philosophy of language and culture, particularly based on the works of Ernst Cassirer and Wilhelm von Humboldt. My interests also encompass regional philosophies including pre-modern Buddhist and modern Japanese philosophy. I have published widely in various languages and translated seminal philosophical works from Japanese into German and English.

Throughout my career, I have been engaged in cross-cultural and interdisciplinary research activities inside and outside of academia. I am the founding member of the research network »Morphology as Scientific Paradigm« (funded by the German Research Council, DFG) and have co-curated (as »Konzeptbegleiter«) the new permanent exhibit »Play of culture/s« (»Spiel der Kultur/en«) at Historisches und Völkerkundemuseum in Sankt Gallen, Switzerland. (Source Accessed May 14, 2020)

Affiliations & relations

  • Institute of Philosophy, Hildesheim University, Germany - Lecturer · workplace affiliation
  • Visiting Research Fellow, Host: Graham Priest, Depart. of Philosophy, Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY), USA · secondary affiliation
  • nil · websites