Ulrike Roesler
Ulrike Roesler received her PhD in Indian Studies from the University of Münster (Germany) with a thesis on the notion of "light" in the Vedas. For more than a decade she has been teaching Indian and Tibetan Studies as well as Buddhist Studies at the universities of Marburg, Freiburg, and Oxford. Her research interests include Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, the history of the Tibetan Kadam school, and Tibetan biographical and narrative literature. Her German translation and study of Potowa Rinchen Sal's Dharma Exemplified (Dpe chos) was published by Reichert Verlag (Weisbaden) in 2011. With Linda Covill and Sarah Shaw, she coedited Lives Lived, Lives Imagined: Biography in the Buddhist Traditions (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2010). (Source: "About the Contributors," Stages of the Buddha's Teachings: Three Key Texts, Wisdom Publications, 2015)