Published Works
- Tricycle Magazine Review of Contemplating Reality: A Practitioner's Guide to the View in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism by Andy Karr. Tricycle Summer 2007. - "Appreciating all Sentient Beings." in Heart Advice. Dharamsala, India: Altruism Press, 2008.
- Mind Only Tenet System. Translation of sems tsam pa'i grub mtha' by Acharya Lama Tenpa Gyaltsen. Seattle: Nitartha Institute Publications, 2009.
Unpublished Works (completed)
M.A. Thesis: “Tshad Ma Literature: Towards a History of Tibetan Buddhist Epistemology”
B.S. Honors project: “Neurofeedback: The effect of training attentional abilities in female college students” Advisor: Dr. Artur Poczwardowski.
Affiliations & relations
- Tsadra Foundation · workplace affiliation
- · websites