
From Buddha-Nature

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Mano, Ryūkai. "'Tathāgata' in Haribhadra's Commentary." ''Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū'' (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 16, no. 2 (1968): 22–28.;"Tathāgata" in Haribhadra's Commentary;Terminology;Haribhadra;Ryūkai Mano;&nbsp  +
Swanson, Paul L. "'Zen is Not Buddhism': Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha-Nature." ''Numen'' 40, no. 2 (1993): 115–49.;"Zen is Not Buddhism": Recent Japanese Critiques of Buddha-Nature;Zen - Chan;Critical Buddhism;The doctrine of buddha-nature in Japanese Buddhism;Hakamaya, N.;Matsumoto, S.;Paul Swanson; &nbsp  +
Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the ''Dharmatā'' Chapter of the ''Dharmadharmatāvibhāgakārikās''." ''Studies in Indian Philosophy and Buddhism'' 12 (2005): 3–39.;'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Dharmatā Chapter of the Dharmadharmatāvibhāgakārikās;Textual study;'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal;dharmatā;Klaus-Dieter Mathes  +
Mathes, Klaus-Dieter, ed. '''Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long)''. Nepal Research Centre Publications 24. Stuttgart, Germany: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2003.;'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā;Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā;Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long;'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal;Gö Lotsāwa Zhönu Pal;འགོས་ལོ་ཙཱ་བ་གཞོན་ནུ་དཔལ་;'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal;yid bzang rtse ba;mgos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal;'gos lo tsā ba gzhon nu dpal;ཡིད་བཟང་རྩེ་བ་;མགོས་ལོ་ཙཱ་བ་གཞོན་ནུ་དཔལ་;'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long)  +
Hugon, Pascale. Review of '''Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long)'', edited by Klaus-Dieter Mathes. ''Asiatische Studien'' 60, no. 1 (2006): 246–53.;'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long)-Review by Hugon;Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long;Pascale Hugon  +
Kano, Kazuo. Review of '''Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long)'', edited by Klaus-Dieter Mathes. ''Journal of the American Oriental Society'' 125, no. 1 (2005) 143–45.;'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā-Review by Kano;Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra;Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long;Kazuo Kano;&nbsp  +
Mathes, Klaus-Dieter. "'Gos ''Lo tsā ba'' Gzhon nu dpal's Extensive Commentary on and Study of the ''Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā''." In ''Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet'', edited by Henk Blezer with the assistance of Abel Zadoks, 79–96. ''Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association of Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000''. Brill’s Tibetan Studies Library 2/2. Leiden: Brill, 2002.;'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Extensive Commentary on and Study of the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā;'gos lo tsA ba gzhon nu dpal;Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long;Klaus-Dieter Mathes;&nbsp  +
Skilling, Peter. "'Luminous Is This Mind, O Monks': An Intertextual Excursion." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, Oct 29, 2022. Video, 1:14:13.;'Luminous Is This Mind, O Monks': An Intertextual Excursion by Peter Skilling;Buddha-nature as Luminosity;The doctrine of buddha-nature in Early Buddhism;The doctrine of buddha-nature in Theravadin Buddhism;prabhāsvara;prabhāsvaracitta;ātman;Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra  +
Zimmermann, Michael. ''A Buddha Within: The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra;The Earliest Exposition of the Buddha-Nature Teaching in India''. Biblotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica 6. Tokyo: International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology, Soka University, 2002.,Zimmermann,2002.pdf.;A Buddha Within: The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra;Tathāgatagarbhasūtra;History of buddha-nature in India;The doctrine of buddha-nature in Indian Buddhism;tathāgatagarbha;Textual study;Michael Zimmermann; A Buddha Within: The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra;The Earliest Exposition of the Buddha-Nature Teaching in India  +
Goddard, Dwight, ed. ''A Buddhist Bible''. Rev. and enl. ed. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1938.;A Buddhist Bible (1938);Doctrine;Defining buddha-nature;Laṅkāvatārasūtra;Dasheng qixin lun;A Buddhist Bible  +
Rhoton, Jared Douglas, trans. ''A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes: Essential Distinctions among the Individual Liberation, Great Vehicle, and Tantric Systems''. Edited by Victoria R. M. Scott. SUNY Series in Buddhist Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2002.;A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes;Sakya;Rangtong;History of buddha-nature in Tibet;Sdom gsum rab dbye;Debate(s); A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes: Essential Distinctions among the Individual Liberation, Great Vehicle, and Tantric Systems;Sakya Paṇḍita  +
Lai, Whalen. "A Clue to the Authorship of the ''Awakening of Faith'': 'Śikṣānanda's' Redaction of the Word '' 'Nien'''." ''Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies'' 3, no. 1 (1980): 34–53.;A Clue to the Authorship of the Awakening of Faith: "Śikṣānanda's" Redaction of the Word "Nien";Textual study;Dasheng qixin lun;Śikṣānanda;Whalen Lai;&nbsp  +
Takasaki, Jikidō. "A Comment on the Term ''Ārambaṇa'' in the Ratnagotravibhāga, I, 9," ''Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyū'' (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 10, no. 2 (1962): 26–33.;A Comment on the Term Ārambaṇa in the Ratnagotravibhāga, I, 9;Terminology;Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra;Jikido Takasaki;&nbsp  +
Thrangu Rinpoche. ''A Commentary on The Uttara Tantra''. Translated by Ken Holmes and Katia Holmes. Boulder, CO: Namo Buddha Seminar, 1989.;A Commentary on The Uttara Tantra (Pre-publication edition);Kagyu;Ratnagotravibhāga Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra;Contemporary;Asaṅga;ཐོགས་མེད་;thogs med;slob dpon thogs med;སློབ་དཔོན་ཐོགས་མེད་;Āryāsaṅga; Thrangu Rinpoche;ཁྲ་འགུ་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་;Khra 'gu rin po che;Karma blo gros chos dpal bzang po;Khra 'gu sprul sku, 9th;Karma-blo-gros-chos-dpal-bzaṅ-po, Khra-'gu sPrul-sku IX;Khra-'gu sPrul-sku IX;Khra 'gu sprul sku 09;Trangu Rinpoche;Very Venerable Ninth Khenchen Thrangu Tulku, Karma Lodrö Lungrik Maway Senge;Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche;Katia Holmes;Ken Holmes;A Commentary on The Uttara Tantra  +
Lee, Sumi. "A Comparative Study of Taehyŏn, Wŏnhyo, and Fazangs’ Views on ''Ālayavijñāna'' and ''Tathāgatagarbha''." (In Korean.) ''Journal of Eastern-Asia Buddhism and Culture'' 32, no. 12 (2017): 101–29.;A Comparative Study of Taehyŏn, Wŏnhyo, and Fazangs’ Views on Ālayavijñāna and Tathāgatagarbha;History of buddha-nature in Korea;ālayavijñāna;tathāgatagarbha;Dasheng qixin lun;Wǒnhyo;Fazang;Taehyŏn;Sumi Lee  +
Tseng, Chih-Mien Adrian. "A Comparison of the Concepts of Buddha-Nature and Dao-Nature of Medieval China." PhD diss., McMaster University, 2014.;A Comparison of the Concepts of Buddha-Nature and Dao-Nature of Medieval China;History of buddha-nature in China;The doctrine of buddha-nature in Chinese Buddhism;Jizang;Jingxi Zhanran;Chih-Mien Adrian Tseng;A Comparison of the Concepts of Buddha-Nature and Dao-Nature of Medieval China  +
Duff, Tony. ''A Complete Session of Meditation: The Theory and Practice of Kagyü-Nyingma Meditation from Shamatha to Dzogchen''. Kathmandu: Padma Karpo Translation Committee, 2014.;A Complete Session of Meditation;Ri chos nges don rgya mtsho zhes bya ba mthar thug thun mong ma yin pa'i man ngag;Dol po pa;Meditation;Tony Duff; Dölpopa Sherab Gyaltsen;དོལ་པོ་པ་ཤེས་རབ་རྒྱལ་མཚན་;dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan;shes rab rgyal mtshan;shes rab mgon;rton pa bzhi ldan;ཤེས་རབ་རྒྱལ་མཚན་;ཤེས་རབ་མགོན་;རྟོན་པ་བཞི་ལྡན་;A Complete Session of Meditation: The Theory and Practice of Kagyü-Nyingma Meditation from Shamatha to Dzogchen;Dol po pa  +
Tomabechi, Tōru, and Kazuo Kano. "A Critical Edition and Translation of a Text Fragment from Abhayākaragupta's ''Āmnāyamañjarī'': Göttingen," ''Tantric Studies'' 1 (2008): 22–44.;A Critical Edition and Translation of a Text Fragment from Abhayākaragupta's Āmnāyamañjarī: Göttingen,;Abhayākara;Textual study;Tōru Tomabechi; Kazuo Kano  +
Duckworth, Douglas. "A Definition of Buddha-Nature." Interview by Alex Gardner. AAR Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Nov. 20, 2018. Video, 8:45.;A Definition of Buddha-Nature by Douglas Duckworth;Defining buddha-nature;Douglas Duckworth;A Definition of Buddha-Nature  +
Canti, John. "A Dilettante's Ramblings on the ''Uttaratantra'', Asaṅga, Mipham, and Buddha-Nature." Conversations on Buddha-Nature with Lopen Dr. Karma Phuntsho. Produced by the Tsadra Foundation Research Department, June 25, 2022. Video, 1:33:09.;A Dilettante's Ramblings on the Uttaratantra, Asaṅga, Mipham, and Buddha-Nature by John Canti;Buddha-nature as Luminosity;Buddha-nature as Emptiness;Terminology;The doctrine of buddha-nature in Tibetan Buddhism;byams chos sde lnga;Uttaratantra;Asaṅga;Mi pham rgya mtsho  +