First four are causes of the later three; also, the three jewels are the results of the latter four (which are substantive causes and attendant conditions). [[Kano, K.]], ''[[Buddha-Nature and Emptiness]]'', p. 252. +
The fourth vajrapāda is the cause, the fifth through seventh vajrapādas are the condition and the first three vajrapādas are the result. As stated in When the Clouds Part,
"In more detail, first, Maitreya says that the Uttaratantra, which makes buddha nature a living experience, combines the triad of the cause (the tathāgata heart), the conditions (awakening, the qualities, and enlightened activity), and the results (the three jewels)." +
He presents the seven vajra points in a causal sequence given in the Ultimate Continuum. From Buddha arises dharma, from dharma, sangha, from becoming sangha, the manifestation of buddha-nature, from actualisation of buddha-nature comes awakening, which brings forth qualities and activities to benefit sentient beings. +
First four are causes of the later three; also, the three jewels are the results of the latter four (which are substantive causes and attendant conditions). +