Tai Situpa, 3rd

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PeopleTai Situpa, 3rd

Third Tai Situ Tashi Paljor(1498 - 1541) 

The Third Tai Situ, Tashi Peljor, was a student of the Seventh Karmapa. He recognized the Eighth Karmapa by means of showing him items that had belonged to the Seventh Karmapa, possibly the first time such a method was used to identify reincarnations.

... read more at The Treasury of Lives

Other names

  • ཏའི་སི་ཏུ་གསུམ་པ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • ta'i si tu gsum pa · other names (Wylie)
  • Tai Situpa, 3rd · other names

Affiliations & relations

  • Karma Kagyu · religious affiliation
  • Karmapa, 7th · teacher
  • Karmapa, 8th · student