Viehbeck, M.

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Markus Viehbeck
Markus Viehbeck works as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Institute of South Asian, Tibetan, and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna. In the past he has been employed as researcher and lecturer at the same institute and, between 2010 and 2018, has served as Assistant Professor at the Chair of Buddhist Studies, Cluster "Asia & Europe," University of Heidelberg. His research interests address diverse topics within Buddhist philosophy, Tibetan intellectual history, and the interlinkage of religious and social history, with a focus on working with textual sources. His publications include Polemics in Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism (Vienna, 2014) and Transcultural Encounters in the Himalayan Borderlands: Kalimpong as a "Contact Zone" (Heidelberg, 2017). In a new project he studies Tibetan canonical literature and contributes to building up a comprehensive database at Resources for Kanjur & Tanjur Studies (rKTs)

Affiliations & relations

  • Heidelberg University · workplace affiliation