Zhang ston bstan pa rgya mtsho
From Buddha-Nature
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Shangton Tenpa Gyatso was born in Tseshung (rtse gzhung) in 1825. His father's name was Nyingkar bum. and his mother was Tsering Drolma. He entered Bkra-shis-'khyil monastery in 1837. He later took the Tshogs-bsags rab-'byams-pa degree in 1845. He went to Pe-cin to become the yongs 'dzin of the Thu'u-bkwan in 1854. His collected works (gsung 'bum) comprise four volumes (79 sections). His Collected Works can be found here. (Adapted from Source Sep 1 2020)
Affiliations & relations
- nil · familial relation
- nil · teacher
- nil · student