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| <div class="person-box">{{#ifsysop:
| |
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| |
| [https://commons.tsadra.org/index.php/{{SUBPAGENAMEE}} <i class="fas fa-file fa-sm"></i> view] · [https://commons.tsadra.org/index.php/{{SUBPAGENAMEE}}?action=formedit <i class="fas fa-edit fa-sm"></i> edit]{{#ifexist:{{SUBPAGENAME}}| |<br>[[{{SUBPAGENAME}}|<i class="fas fa-tree-alt"></i> create root page]] }}
| |
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| |
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| <h2>{{#if:{{#external_value: MainNameTib }} |
| | |
| <div class="mb-2 tibetan" style="font-size: 1.7em; line-height: 1;">{{#external_value: MainNameTib }} </div> | }}{{#if: {{#external_value: MainNameSkt }} |
| | |
| {{#external_value: MainNameSkt }} | }}{{#if:{{#external_value: MainNamePhon }}|
| | |
| {{#external_value: MainNamePhon }} | }}{{#if: {{#external_value: namelast }} |
| | {{#ask:[[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] |
| {{#external_value: namefirst }} {{#external_value: namemiddle }} {{#external_value: namelast }} | }}{{#ifeq: {{#external_value:subclass}} | Modern | |
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| | }}{{#if: {{{ MentionedOn | }}} | |
| | |
| | |
| | <h3>Mentioned in</h3> |
| | |
| | <div class="row"> |
| | {{#arraymap: {{{ MentionedOn | }}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
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| | |
| | <h3>About this person</h3> |
| | |
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| | {{{ BnwPersonFeaturedContent | }}} |
| | </div> | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|PosBuNayDefProv}}{{GetPersonValue|PosAllBuddha}}{{GetPersonValue|PosWheelTurn}}{{GetPersonValue|PosYogaMadhya}}{{GetPersonValue|PosZhenRang}}{{GetPersonValue|PosVehicles}}{{GetPersonValue|PosAnalyticMedit}}{{GetPersonValue|PosEmptyLumin}}{{GetPersonValue|PosSvataPrasa}} | |
| | |
| | |
| | <h3>Philosophical positions of this person</h3> |
| | |
| | <div class="text-article person-positions"> |
| | {{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosBuNayDefProv |
| | |label=Is buddha-nature considered definitive or provisional? |
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| | |linkAnchor=#Provisional_or_Definitive |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayDefProvComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosAllBuddha |
| | |label=Do all beings have buddha-nature? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosAllBuddhaNote}}{{GetPersonValue|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes}} |
| | |notesDisplay={{GetPersonValue|PosAllBuddhaNote}}<br>{{GetPersonValue|PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor=#Universal_or_Limited |
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| | |Qualified Yes |
| | |Qualified No=true |
| | |#default={{#if: {{GetPersonValue|PosAllBuddhaNote}} |
| | |true |
| | |false |
| }} | | }} |
| }} | | }} |
| <span class="float-right">{{#if: {{#external_value: tolExcerpt }} | | {{#if: {{#external_value: TolLinkRaw }} | [[File:TOLlogo.png|x35px|link={{#external_value: TolLinkRaw }}|class=mr-1|The Treasury of Lives]] | }} }}{{#if: {{#external_value: BdrcLink }} | [[File:BdrcLogo.png|x30px|link={{#external_value: BdrcLink }}|class=mr-3|Buddhist Digital Resource Center]] | }}{{#if: {{#external_value: HarLinkRaw }} | [[File:Har logo blocks@2x.png|x30px|link={{#external_value: HarLinkRaw }}|class=mr-2|Himalayan Art Resources]] | }}</span> | | }}{{PersonPosition |
| </h2> | | |positionValue=PosWheelTurn |
| | |label=To which "turning of the wheel" do the buddha-nature teachings belong? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosWheelTurnNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor= |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayWheelTurnComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosYogaMadhya |
| | |label=Is buddha-nature equated with emptiness or alayavijnana? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosYogaMadhyaNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor=#Madhyamaka_or_Yog.C4.81c.C4.81ra |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayYogaMadhyaComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosZhenRang |
| | |label=Do buddha-nature teachings belong to the zhentong or rangtong view of emptiness? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosZhenRangNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor= |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayZhenRangComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosVehicles |
| | |label=Are there one or three vehicles on the path to buddhahood? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosVehiclesNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor= |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayVehiclesComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosAnalyticMedit |
| | |label=Do the author's writings belong to the analytic or meditative tradition of Uttaratantra exegesis? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosAnalyticMeditNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor=#Analytic_or_Meditative_Tradition |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayAnalyticMeditComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosEmptyLumin |
| | |label=What is Buddha-nature? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosEmptyLuminNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor=#What_Is_Buddha-Nature.3F |
| | |qwidth=4 |
| | |awidth=8 |
| | |complicated={{GetPersonValue|BuNayEmptyLuminComplex}} |
| | }}{{PersonPosition |
| | |positionValue=PosSvataPrasa |
| | |label=Does the author advocate the Svatantrika or Prasangika view of emptiness? |
| | |notesValue={{GetPersonValue|PosSvataPrasaNotes}} |
| | |linkAnchor= |
| | |complicated= |
| | }} |
| | </div> | }}{{#if:{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesWylieRaw}}{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesTibRaw}}{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesOtherRaw}} | |
| | |
| |
| <div class="row mt-5">
| | <h3 class="mt-4 mt-lg-5">Other names</h3> |
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| |
| {{#external_value: tolExcerpt }}<br>
| |
| <span class="float-right link-no-border pt-3">... read more at [[File:TOLlogo.png|x35px|link={{#external_value: TolLinkRaw }}|class=ml-1 mr-1|The Treasury of Lives]]</span>| {{#if: {{#external_value: BnwShortPersonBio }} | {{#external_value: BnwShortPersonBio }} | {{#if: {{#external_value: bio }} | {{#external_value: bio }} | {{#if: {{#external_value: BiographicalInfo }} | {{#external_value: BiographicalInfo }} | }} }} }} }}
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
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| <h3 class="mt-4">Affiliations & relations</h3>
| | <div class="text-article mb-4"> |
| <div class=" cols-lg mb-4">
| | <ul class="mb-5"> |
| <ul class="mb-5">{{#if: {{#external_value: associatedwebsiteRaw }}
| | {{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AltNamesTibRaw}} |
| |<li>{{#external_value: associatedwebsiteRaw }} <span class="suffix-label">· websites</span></li>
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesTibRaw}} |
| |
| |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: affiliationRaw }}{{#external_value: PersonalAffiliationRaw }} | |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: affiliationRaw }};{{#external_value: PersonalAffiliationRaw }} | |
| |; | | |; |
| |@@@ | | |@@@ |
| |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· affiliation</span></li> | | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· other names (Tibetan)</span> {{#ifeq: {{{ StopPersonRedirects | }}} |
| | | Yes |
| | | |
| | | {{CreateRedirectLinkIfNotExist|@@@}}</li> |
| | }} |
| | | | | |
| }} | | }} |
| | | | | |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: affiliationsecondaryRaw }} | | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AltNamesWylieRaw}} |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: affiliationsecondaryRaw }} | | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesWylieRaw}} |
| |; | | |; |
| |@@@ | | |@@@ |
| |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· secondary affiliation</span></li> | | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· other names (Wylie)</span> {{#ifeq: {{{ StopPersonRedirects | }}} |
| |
| | | Yes |
| }}
| | | |
| |
| | | {{CreateRedirectLinkIfNotExist|@@@}}</li> |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: religiousaffiliationRaw }}
| | }} |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: religiousaffiliationRaw }}
| |
| |;
| |
| |@@@
| |
| |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· religious affiliation</span></li>
| |
| | | | | |
| }} | | }} |
| | | | | |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: EmanationOfRaw }} | | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AltNamesOtherRaw}} |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: EmanationOfRaw }} | | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesOtherRaw}} |
| |; | | |; |
| |@@@ | | |@@@ |
| |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· emanation of</span></li> | | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· other names</span> {{#ifeq: {{{ StopPersonRedirects | }}} |
| | | Yes |
| | | |
| | | {{CreateRedirectLinkIfNotExist|@@@}}</li> |
| | }} |
| | | | | |
| }} | | }} |
| | | | | |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: IncarnationsRaw }} | | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|NotesOnNames}} |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: IncarnationsRaw }} | | | <li>'''Notes on names:''' {{GetPersonValue|NotesOnNames}}</li> |
| |;
| | | |
| |@@@
| | }} |
| |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· incarnation</span></li>
| | </ul> |
| |
| | </div> | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AffiliationRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|PersonalAffiliationRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|AffiliationsecondaryRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|ReligiousaffiliationRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|ClassicalProfAff}} {{GetPersonValue|ClassicalOtherProfAff}} {{GetPersonValue|EmanationOfRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|IncarnationsRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|StudentofRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|TeacherofRaw}} {{GetPersonValue|AssociatedwebsiteRaw}} | |
| }} | | |
| | |
| | <h3 class="mt-4 mt-lg-5">Affiliations & relations</h3> |
| | <div class="text-article mb-4"> |
| | <ul class="mb-5">{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AffiliationRaw}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|AffiliationRaw}} |
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| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· workplace affiliation</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|PersonalAffiliationRaw}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|PersonalAffiliationRaw}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· familial relation</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AffiliationsecondaryRaw}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|AffiliationsecondaryRaw}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· secondary affiliation</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|ReligiousaffiliationRaw}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|ReligiousaffiliationRaw}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· religious affiliation</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|ClassicalProfAff}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|ClassicalProfAff}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· primary professional affiliation</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|ClassicalOtherProfAff}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|ClassicalOtherProfAff}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· other professional affiliation</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|EmanationOfRaw}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|EmanationOfRaw}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· emanation of</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | | |
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|IncarnationsRaw}} |
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|IncarnationsRaw}} |
| | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· incarnation</span></li> |
| | | | | |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: studentofRaw }} | | }} |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: studentofRaw }}
| | | |
| |;
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|StudentofRaw}} |
| |@@@
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|StudentofRaw}} |
| |<li>[[@@@]] <span class="suffix-label">· teacher</span></li>
| | |; |
| |
| | |@@@ |
| }}
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· teacher</span></li> |
| | | | | |
| }}{{#if: {{#external_value: teacherofRaw }} | | }} |
| |{{#arraymap:{{#external_value: teacherofRaw }}
| | | |
| |;
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|TeacherofRaw}} |
| |@@@
| | |{{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|TeacherofRaw}} |
| |<li>[[@@@]] <span class="suffix-label">· student</span></li>
| | |; |
| |
| | |@@@ |
| }}
| | |<li>@@@ <span class="suffix-label">· student</span></li> |
| | | | | |
| }} | | }} |
| </ul> | | | |
| </div>{{#ifeq:{{#external_value: IsInGyatsa }}|true|
| | }}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|AssociatedwebsiteRaw}} |
| | |<li>{{GetPersonValue|AssociatedwebsiteRaw}} <span class="suffix-label">· websites</span></li> |
| | | |
| | }} |
| | </ul> |
| | </div> | }}{{#ifeq:{{GetPersonValue|IsInGyatsa}}|true| |
| |
| <h3>Tertön Gyatsa Information from the Rinchen Terdzö</h3>
| |
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs mt-4 mb-5"> | | <h3 class="mt-4 mt-lg-5">Tertön Gyatsa Information from the Rinchen Terdzö</h3> |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-header">
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-label" style="margin-right: -.25em;">Text</div>
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-label" style="margin-right: -.25em;">Tibetan</div>
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-label" style="margin-right: -.25em;">Wylie</div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-content depth-1" style="background: rgb(255, 249, 228);">
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-content-layer">
| |
| |
| | {{#tag:tabber |
| | | Text = |
| | <div class="text-article"> |
| | |
| The full Tertön Gyatsa text can be found at the following page: [http://rtz.tsadra.org/index.php/Terdzo-KA-006 Volume 1 (ཀ), 341-765, 1a1-213a4]. | | The full Tertön Gyatsa text can be found at the following page: [http://rtz.tsadra.org/index.php/Terdzo-KA-006 Volume 1 (ཀ), 341-765, 1a1-213a4]. |
| |
| Name in Gyatsa: '''<big>{{#external_value: GyatsaNameTib }}</big> ({{#external_value: GyatsaNameWylie }})''' | | Name in Gyatsa: '''<big>{{GetPersonValue|GyatsaNameTib}}</big> ({{GetPersonValue|GyatsaNameWylie}})''' |
| | |
| Page #s for bio of this person: '''{{#external_value: GyatsaBioStartPage }} to {{#external_value: GyatsaBioEndPage }}'''
| |
| | |
| Folio #s for bio of this person: '''{{#external_value: GyatsaBioStartFolio }} to {{#external_value: GyatsaBioEndFolio }}'''
| |
| | |
| </div>
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-content-layer">
| |
| | |
| {{#external_value: GyatsaBioTib }}
| |
| | |
| </div>
| |
| <div class="bnw-tabs-content-layer">
| |
| | |
| {{#external_value: GyatsaBioWylie }}
| |
| | |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div> | }}{{#ifeq: {{#external_value: subclass }} | Modern | |
| |
| | |
| <h3>Philosophical positions on Buddha-nature</h3>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''Is Buddha-nature considered definitive or provisional?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosBuNayDefProv }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosBuNayDefProvNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''Do all beings have buddha-nature?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosAllBuddha }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>If "Qualified", explain:</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosAllBuddhaNote }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''To which "turning of the wheel" do the buddha-nature teachings belong?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosWheelTurn }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosWheelTurnNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''Is buddha-nature equated with emptiness or alayavijnana?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosYogaMadhya }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosYogaMadhyaNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''Do buddha-nature teachings belong to the zhantong or rangtong view of emptiness?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosZhenRang }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosZhenRangNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''Are there one or three vehicles on the path to buddhahood?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosVehicles }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosVehiclesNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| | |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| |
| ''Do the author’s writings belong to the analytic or meditative tradition of Uttaratantra exegesis?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosAnalyticMedit }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosAnalyticMeditNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>
| |
| |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| | Page #s for bio of this person: '''{{GetPersonValue|GyatsaBioStartPage}} to {{GetPersonValue|GyatsaBioEndPage}}''' |
| ''What is Buddha-nature?''
| |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosEmptyLumin }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| |
| <dl>
| | Folio #s for bio of this person: '''{{GetPersonValue|GyatsaBioStartFolio}} to {{GetPersonValue|GyatsaBioEndFolio}}''' |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| | |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosEmptyLuminNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div> | |
| </div> | | </div> |
| |
| <div data-expandtext="open" data-collapsetext="close" class="pl-0 mw-collapsible mw-collapsed bnw-person-philo mb-2" style="font-size: 1.2em;">
| | {{!}}-{{!}} Tibetan = |
| ''Does the author advocate the Svatantrika or Prasangika view of emptiness?''
| | <div class="text-130"> |
| <div class="mw-collapsible-content bnw-philo-details depth-1">
| | {{GetPersonValue|GyatsaBioTib}} |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Position</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosSvataPrasa }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| | |
| <dl>
| |
| <dt>Notes</dt>
| |
| <dd>{{#external_value: PosSvataPrasaNotes }}</dd>
| |
| </dl>
| |
| </div>
| |
| </div>}}
| |
| | |
| <div class="bnw-person-categories"> | |
| {{#arraymap:{{#external_value: PersonType }}|,|@@@|[[:Category:@@@|@@@]]| · }}
| |
| </div> | | </div> |
| |
| </div>
| | {{!}}-{{!}} Wylie = |
| | {{GetPersonValue|GyatsaBioWylie}} |
| |
| {{#ask: [[Category:Articles]] [[AuthorPage:: {{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
| | }} | }} |
| |format=ul | |
| |intro=<h2>Articles</h2>
| |
| }} | |
| |
| {{#ask: [[Category:Books]] [[Author:: {{SUBPAGENAME}}]]
| |
| |format=ul
| |
| |intro=<h2>Books</h2>
| |
| }}
| |
| |
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| | |FirstImage={{#ifeq: {{GetPersonValue|FirstImage}} | File:Noimagefound.jpg | File:Teaching_Mudra_2.jpg | {{GetPersonValue|FirstImage}} }} |
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| | |FirstImageURL={{#if: {{GetPersonValue|FirstImageURL}} | {{GetPersonValue|FirstImageURL}} | https://commons.tsadra.org/images/f/f6/Teaching_Mudra_2.jpg }} |
| |archivistnotes={{#external_value:archivistnotes}} | | |ValuesToRedirect={{#ifeq: {{{ StopPersonRedirects | }}} |
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| |BiographicalInfo={{#external_value:BiographicalInfo}} | | | {{GetPersonValue|Namelast}}{{#if: {{GetPersonValue|Namefirst}} |
| |bornin={{#external_value:bornin}} | | |, {{GetPersonValue|Namefirst}} |
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| |currentworks={{#external_value:currentworks}} | | }} |
| |DnzClassificationRaw={{#external_value:DnzClassificationRaw}}|+sep=;
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| |DnzNotes={{#external_value:DnzNotes}}
| | }} |
| |education={{#external_value:education}}
| | }} |
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| | |People={{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesOtherRaw}};{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesTibRaw}};{{GetPersonValue|AltNamesWylieRaw}};{{GetPersonValue|GyatsaNameTib}};{{GetPersonValue|GyatsaNameWylie}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNamePhon}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNameSkt}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNameTib}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNameWylie}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNameDev}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNameChi}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNamePin}};{{GetPersonValue|NamealtRaw}};{{GetPersonValue|Namefirst}};{{GetPersonValue|Namelast}};{{GetPersonValue|Namemiddle}};{{SUBPAGENAME}};{{GetPersonValue|TertonNameTibRaw}};{{GetPersonValue|TertonNameWylieRaw}} |
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| | | {{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME:{{GetPersonValue|FirstImage}}}}}} |
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| |HasLibPage={{#external_value:HasLibPage}} | | | {{#if: {{GetPersonValue|TolExcerpt}} |
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| | | {{GetPersonValue|TolExcerpt}} |
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| |IncarnationsRaw={{#external_value:IncarnationsRaw}}|+sep=;
| | | {{GetPersonValue|BnwShortPersonBio}} |
| |IsInGyatsa={{#external_value:IsInGyatsa}}
| | | {{#if: {{#urldecode:{{GetPersonValue|EncodedBio}}}} |
| |languageprimaryRaw={{#external_value:languageprimaryRaw}}|+sep=;
| | | {{#urldecode:{{GetPersonValue|EncodedBio}}}} |
| |languagetargetRaw={{#external_value:languagetargetRaw}}|+sep=;
| | | <span class="font-italic muted">No information on this person.</span> |
| |languagetranslationRaw={{#external_value:languagetranslationRaw}}|+sep=;
| | }} |
| |MainNamePhon={{#external_value:MainNamePhon}}
| | }} |
| |MainNameSkt={{#external_value:MainNameSkt}}
| | }} |
| |MainNameTib={{#external_value:MainNameTib}}
| | }} |
| |MainNameWylie={{#external_value:MainNameWylie}}
| | |InvisibleFilterContent={{#arraymap:{{GetPersonValue|GyatsaNameTib}}; {{GetPersonValue|GyatsaNameWylie}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNamePhon}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNameSkt}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNameTib}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNameWylie}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNameDev}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNameChi}}; {{GetPersonValue|MainNamePin}}; {{GetPersonValue|NamealtRaw}}; {{GetPersonValue|Namefirst}}; {{GetPersonValue|Namelast}}; {{GetPersonValue|Namemiddle}}; {{SUBPAGENAME}}; {{GetPersonValue|TertonNameTibRaw}}; {{GetPersonValue|TertonNameWylieRaw}} |
| |namealtRaw={{#external_value:namealtRaw}}|+sep=;
| | |; |
| |namefirst={{#external_value:namefirst}}
| | |@@@ |
| |namelast={{#external_value:namelast}}
| | |@@@ |
| |namelastpre={{#external_value:namelastpre}}
| | |; |
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| | }} |
| |nameprefix={{#external_value:nameprefix}}
| | }}{{#arraymap:{{#titleparts:{{SUBPAGENAME}}}};People;{{GetPersonValue|PersonType}};{{GetPersonValue|MainNameWylie}};{{{ ExtraCats | }}} |
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| |phone={{#external_value:phone}} | |
| |PosAllBuddha={{#external_value:PosAllBuddha}}
| |
| |PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes={{#external_value:PosAllBuddhaMoreNotes}} | |
| |PosAllBuddhaNote={{#external_value:PosAllBuddhaNote}} | |
| |PosAnalyticMedit={{#external_value:PosAnalyticMedit}} | |
| |PosAnalyticMeditNotes={{#external_value:PosAnalyticMeditNotes}}
| |
| |PosBuNayDefProv={{#external_value:PosBuNayDefProv}}
| |
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| |
| |PosEmptyLumin={{#external_value:PosEmptyLumin}}
| |
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| |
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| |
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| |
| |PosWheelTurn={{#external_value:PosWheelTurn}} | |
| |PosWheelTurnNotes={{#external_value:PosWheelTurnNotes}} | |
| |PosYogaMadhya={{#external_value:PosYogaMadhya}}
| |
| |PosYogaMadhyaNotes={{#external_value:PosYogaMadhyaNotes}} | |
| |PosZhenRang={{#external_value:PosZhenRang}} | |
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| |
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| }}{{#arraymaptemplate:{{#titleparts:{{SUBPAGENAME}}}};People;{{#external_value: PersonType }};{{#external_value: MainNameWylie }}; | |
| |MakeCategories
| |
| |; | | |; |
| | |@@@ |
| | |[[Category:@@@]] |
| | | | | |
| }} | | }}{{#ifeq: {{{ StopPersonRedirects | }}} |
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| | | Yes |
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