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With roots stretching back to the 8th century, the notion of ''tathāgatagarbha'' was initially introduced into the lexicon of what would become the Nyingma tradition through scholastic works that sought to reconcile the philosophy of Madhyamaka and Yogācāra, as well as through Tantric literature that presented advanced paradigms for the path and the immediacy of enlightenment. Over the centuries these two streams of influence wove themselves together to help form the basis of a unique synthesis of Sūtra based philosophical inquiry and Tantric theories of praxis that would come to define the Nyingma approach. At the pinnacle of this system are the teachings of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, the supreme vantage to which all these intertwined approaches aspire. As such, this lofty perspective has a tendency to draw everything it encounters into its fold and reimagine it in its own image. The relationship between Dzogchen and buddha-nature is one example of this trend. | With roots stretching back to the 8th century, the notion of ''tathāgatagarbha'' was initially introduced into the lexicon of what would become the Nyingma tradition through scholastic works that sought to reconcile the philosophy of Madhyamaka and Yogācāra, as well as through Tantric literature that presented advanced paradigms for the path and the immediacy of enlightenment. Over the centuries these two streams of influence wove themselves together to help form the basis of a unique synthesis of Sūtra based philosophical inquiry and Tantric theories of praxis that would come to define the Nyingma approach. At the pinnacle of this system are the teachings of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, the supreme vantage to which all these intertwined approaches aspire. As such, this lofty perspective has a tendency to draw everything it encounters into its fold and reimagine it in its own image. The relationship between Dzogchen and buddha-nature is one example of this trend, though the way in which this occurred is deeply intertwined with the development of the Nyingma view. | ||
===Early Developments=== | |||
Unlike the Kagyu tradition that can trace transmission lineages for both the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' and the Mahāmudrā teachings through the single individual of Maitrīpa, the Nyingma tradition has a much more convoluted relationship with buddha-nature, which it often presents as a synonym for its own technical terms or concepts related to the ground or basis upon which its theories of soteriology are founded. This is especially true in the context of the Dzogchen teachings, which in their earliest iteration often closely paralleled the Mahāmudrā teachings that Gampopa is famously reported to have claimed had the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' as their source. However, even though the Nyingma and their Dzogchen teachings don't have a direct correlation with what might be considered the main introduction of the buddha-nature theory to Tibet via the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'', the Nyingma have their own history of engagement with this concept that in some ways predates it and in other ways absorbed it. | Unlike the Kagyu tradition that can trace transmission lineages for both the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' and the Mahāmudrā teachings through the single individual of Maitrīpa, the Nyingma tradition has a much more convoluted relationship with buddha-nature, which it often presents as a synonym for its own technical terms or concepts related to the ground or basis upon which its theories of soteriology are founded. This is especially true in the context of the Dzogchen teachings, which in their earliest iteration often closely paralleled the Mahāmudrā teachings that Gampopa is famously reported to have claimed had the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'' as their source. However, even though the Nyingma and their Dzogchen teachings don't have a direct correlation with what might be considered the main introduction of the buddha-nature theory to Tibet via the ''Ratnagotravibhāga'', the Nyingma have their own history of engagement with this concept that in some ways predates it and in other ways absorbed it. |
Revision as of 11:06, 20 June 2019
With roots stretching back to the 8th century, the notion of tathāgatagarbha was initially introduced into the lexicon of what would become the Nyingma tradition through scholastic works that sought to reconcile the philosophy of Madhyamaka and Yogācāra, as well as through Tantric literature that presented advanced paradigms for the path and the immediacy of enlightenment. Over the centuries these two streams of influence wove themselves together to help form the basis of a unique synthesis of Sūtra based philosophical inquiry and Tantric theories of praxis that would come to define the Nyingma approach. At the pinnacle of this system are the teachings of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, the supreme vantage to which all these intertwined approaches aspire. As such, this lofty perspective has a tendency to draw everything it encounters into its fold and reimagine it in its own image. The relationship between Dzogchen and buddha-nature is one example of this trend, though the way in which this occurred is deeply intertwined with the development of the Nyingma view.
Early Developments
Unlike the Kagyu tradition that can trace transmission lineages for both the Ratnagotravibhāga and the Mahāmudrā teachings through the single individual of Maitrīpa, the Nyingma tradition has a much more convoluted relationship with buddha-nature, which it often presents as a synonym for its own technical terms or concepts related to the ground or basis upon which its theories of soteriology are founded. This is especially true in the context of the Dzogchen teachings, which in their earliest iteration often closely paralleled the Mahāmudrā teachings that Gampopa is famously reported to have claimed had the Ratnagotravibhāga as their source. However, even though the Nyingma and their Dzogchen teachings don't have a direct correlation with what might be considered the main introduction of the buddha-nature theory to Tibet via the Ratnagotravibhāga, the Nyingma have their own history of engagement with this concept that in some ways predates it and in other ways absorbed it.
What we consider the earliest formation of the Nyingma tradition might more accurately be considered the foundation or base of Tibetan Buddhism, in general, as the notion of it being a distinct school of thought only truly developed once the so-called Sarma traditions began to coalesce in the 10th and 11th centuries as a counterpoint to the previously established forms of Buddhism that had been gestating in Tibet since the 8th century. Thus this proto-Nyingma tradition encompassed all of the forms of Buddhism that had been introduced via the activities of those involved in the early dissemination of the teachings (bstan pa snga dar). Among the numerous Indian scholars that were invited to Tibet during this period, two of the most prominent figures were Śāntarakṣita, the abbot of Tibet's first monastery Samye, and his student Kamalaśīla, who is eulogized in the Tibetan tradition for his participation in the famed Samye Debate, in which he is said to have bested his Chinese rival Hwashang Moheyan and thus paved the way for the adoption of primarily Indian forms of Buddhism by royal decree. And though the historicity of the Tibetan accounts of the debate are considered highly suspect by modern scholars, the influence of these two figures on the fledgling Tibetan tradition is widely accepted. Through his compositions such as the Tattvasaṃgraha and the especially the Madhyamakālaṃkāra, Śāntarakṣita introduced to Tibet a philosophy that has been characterized as a Yogācāra-Madhyamaka synthesis. In turn, Kamalaśīla wrote commentaries on both those works, as well as his renowned trilogy on the stages of meditation Bhāvanākrama. However, as pointed out by Ruegg he also introduced the concept of tathāgatagarbha in his Madhyamakāloka. [1] This work was translated by Tibetan scholar Yeshe De (ye shes sde, c. 8th-9th century) who also composed a work on distinguishing philosophical views entitled the Lta ba'i khyed par, which has been discussed at length by Higgins.[2] What is particularly pertinent about this text is Yeshe De's description of tathāgatagarbha as occurring in two distinct phases, as the impure mind of sentient beings in the form of the ālayavijñāna, which he references with the shorthand Tibetan form of kun gzhi, and as the natural spiritual disposition (rigs) of the sentient beings that when utterly pure or clarified is the dharmakāya, which he also refers to as the root (rtsa) and the ground (gzhi).[3] Therefore, in the work of Yeshe De, which is perhaps the first indigenous Tibetan composition on Mahāyāna philosophy, we see the author set forth a disclosure model of buddha-nature in which it is naturally present in the minds of beings but needs to be brought forth through practices that remove that which obscures it. Moreover, the equation of the undefiled tathāgatagarbha with the dharmakāya as the ground or basis upon which such purification is possible, sets the stage for the way later Nyingma scholars would address these issues.
Of course, the early dissemination period also saw the introduction of Tantra into the Tibetan milieu and these works also mention tathāgatagarbha, often in the form of *sugatagarbha (bde gshegs snying po) as it is commonly iterated among the Nyingma. While these mentions are exceedingly brief, they come from such mainstays of the Nyingma Tantric canon as the *Guhyagarbha Tantra and the Dgongs pa 'dus pa'i mdo, which came to be considered by this school as the root Tantras of the Mahāyoga and Anuyoga classes, respectively.[4] Though, while these Tantras are thus distinguished from Atiyoga, i.e. Dzogchen proper, at this early stage there was considerable overlap between these categories, especially in terms of exegesis in that it is common to see supporting citations from both of these works in early Dzogchen commentarial literature. Furthermore, the Atiyoga perspective can be applied to their exegesis as well, as is the case with Padmasambhava's Garland of Views (Man ngag lta ba'i phreng ba),[5] which consists of pith instructions on the *Guhyagarbha, but is traditionally regarded as a Dzogchen teaching. Though references to buddha-nature related terms also appear in examples of early Dzogchen scriptural literature, such as the Srog gi 'khor lo and Byang chub sems bde ba'i myu gu.[6] Thus Tibetan authors of the time writing from this perspective also mention *sugatagarbha, most notably being that of Nyenchen Palyang (gnyan chen dpal dbyangs) in his Thabs shes sgron ma and Nubchen Sangye Yeshe (gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes) in his Bsam gtan mig sgron, as well as in his commentary on the Dgongs pa 'dus pa'i mdo. As for the former reference, Higgins translates the relevant passage from Palyang as, "*sugatagarbha, the nature of mind, appears in each and every mind-stream that grasps a 'self' among the long-deluded sentient beings while its very nature remains one with the dharmakāya of the victorious ones."[7] Here we again see a similar dichotomy as we saw in the writing of Yeshe De in which buddha-nature can exist in deluded minds, but is nevertheless pure in terms of its nature. Though in relation to Dzogchen, the fact that he equates *sugatagarbha with the nature of mind is noteworthy. As for Nupchen's use of this term, it is mentioned as one of many synonyms, of which Higgins singles out *bodhigarbha (byang chub snying po/ snying po byang chub) and its variations as being the preferred nomenclature of Nupchen, and later Rongzompa (rong zom chos kyi bzang po, 1042-1136), which he speculates is, "because of their kinship with the all-important concept bodhicitta and because of the tantric/rDzogs chen identification of buddha nature with this bodhicitta."[8]
Now, all of the above usages of buddha-nature related terms predate Ngok Lotsāwa's translation of the Ratnagotravibhāga. With the Yogācāra-Madhyamaka stemming from Śāntarakṣita and his doctrinal heirs, on the one hand, and the introduction of Indian Tantric literature and the development of a Tibetan technical terminology related to their exegesis, on the other, we see the roots of a distinct Nyingma approach to buddha-nature theory already in place centuries before the Ratnagotravibhāga captured the Tibetan scholastic imagination. However, one of the striking differences is that early Nyingma authors tended to make use of these terms as a support for issues more central to their doctrinal theses, rather than trying to explicate buddha-nature itself. Therefore, we see terms like *sugatagarbha being equated with the ground, in the context of the Tantric notions of the three continuities of the ground, path, and fruition and *bodhigarbha acting as a stand in for Dzogchen terms referencing the nature of mind. And so their usage is largely in support of presenting a soteriological model based on these specific approaches, in which enlightenment is not something newly acquired but already naturally present. On the other hand, terms like kun gzhi were eventually rebranded to fit their own criteria. And so what was once used as shorthand for the ālayavijñāna by Yeshe De, later came to reference a pure basis, read literally as the "ground-of-all," which is at times synonymous with the dharmakāya that Yeshe De would have considered its opposite.
Once we get to the work of Rongzompa, who is perhaps the most apt representative of the culmination of this early period we get the following explanation, "In the higher vehicles, the characteristic of the ālaya [kun gzhi] is that it is the primordial awakened mind [bodhicitta]. The afflictions and the imprints that lead to birth in the lower realms are adventitious obscurations, like oxide covering gold, or dirt covering a precious jewel. Although the buddha qualities are temporarily hidden, their nature is not defiled."[9] This is quite typical of the writings of Rongzompa, who was a contemporary of Ngok's and often considered the original architect of the Nyingma view, in which see the widespread use of the term *bodhigarbha, which he places in apposition to the Dzogchen understanding of bodhicitta that, as evidenced in the above quote, could easily be read as a synonym for buddha-nature. As he states in his Theg pa chen po'i tshul la 'jug pa, "...consider the nature of bodhicitta: all phenomena, outer and inner, appearance and existence, are nondual bodhicitta—the primordial nature of the quintessence of awakening (*bodhigarbha, snying po byang chub) is primordially perfected (yas nas sangs rgyas ba), not something refined and corrected through a path, and is accomplished spontaneously, without effort."[10] In this passage we see a form of buddha-nature theory set entirely within the context of early Dzogchen. Though that is not to say he was unaware of other interpretations or models, as in response to the *Guhyagarbha passage "Ema ho, from the *sugatagarbha one's own discursive thinking manifests due to karma"[11] Rongzom states in his commentary, "...the term *sugatagarbha is widely known in ordinary [scriptures] which claim that all sentient beings possess the cause of awakening [and] are endowed with the seed of incorruptability. According to the profound [scriptures], it is called the ‘quintessence of awakening’ (*bodhigarbha) because the very nature of mind is awakening. Thus, because this is so, it may appear as bondage and by virtue of it[s presence], it may appear as freedom. It has been taught because one has not [yet] seen the reality (don) wherein bondage and freedom do not exist."."[12] Here, we see Rongzompa acknowledging other interpretations of buddha-nature, but giving precedent to a more profound take on this term. Therefore, at roughly the same time that Ngok and his compatriot Tsen Khawoche are importing lineages of the Ratnagotravibhāga from their mutual teacher Sajjana, Rongzompa is already developing a Nyingma model of buddha-nature that is sourced from Tantric and Dzogchen sources, though relies heavily on appropriated terminology from earlier Yogācāra-Madhyamaka thinkers.
- David Seyfort Ruegg, The Literature of the Madhyamaka School of Philosophy in India (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1981), pp. 95, note 308.
- Higgins, David. The Philosophical Foundations of Classical rDzogs chen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction Between Dualistic Mind (sems) and Primordial Knowing (ye shes). Wien: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien, Universität Wien, 2013: pp. 160-163.
- Ibid pp. 161-162.
- For the actual references see Wangchuk, Dorji. "The rÑiṅ-ma Interpretations of the Tathāgatagarbha Theory," Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens 48, 2005, p. 179, notes 22 and 23.
- For a translation of this text alongside the Tibetan see Padmasambhava and Jamgön Mipham. A Garland of Views: A Guide to View, Meditation, and Result in the Nine Vehicles. Translated by the Padmakara Translation Group. Boston: Shambhala, 2015: pp. 1-27.
- See Wangchuk 2005, p. 179, note 24 and Higgins 2013, p. 174, notes 441 and 442.
- Higgins 2013, p. 174.
- Ibid p. 176.
- van Schaik, Sam. Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Approaches to Dzogchen Practice in Jigme Lingpa's Longchen Nyingtig. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004: p. 63. The bracketed terms have been added for sake of clarity.
- Sur, Dominic, trans. Entering the Way of the Great Vehicle: Dzogchen as the Culmination of the Mahāyāna. Boulder: Snow Lion, 2017: p. 129.
- e ma'o bde gshegs snying po las rang gi rnam rtog las kyis sprul
- Higgins 2013, pp. 177-178.