
From Buddha-Nature

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Author: Asaṅga (Thogs med)
Sanskrit Title: Mahāyānottaratantraśāstravyākhyā
Alternate Title: Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā
Tibetan Title: Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa
Translated to Tibetan by: Sajjana and Blo ldan shes rab
Tibetan Catalogue: Tôh. no. 4025. Dergé Tanjur, vol. PHI, folios 74v.1-129r.7.
Notes: Commentary on Mahāyānottaratantraśāstra by Maitreya.

Tibetan Catalogue Information[1][edit]

Version Catalogue # Category Vol. Folio #'s Alt
Peking 5526 sems tsam phi 74b6-135b7 (vol.108, p.32-56)
Dergé (Tôh.) 4025 sems tsam phi 74b1-129a7
Narthang 4315 sems tsam phi 69a3-129b7.
Kinsha [2] 3525 sems tsam phi 90b1 (p.47-1-1)
Cone 3992 sems tsam phi 69b1-124b1.
  1. Catalogue information from Phil Stanley and
  2. Golden Manuscript - Tengyur

Electronic Text Resources[edit]

  • ACIP
  • TBRC
snar thang version:TBRC-snar thang
theg chen rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos gyi rnam bshad/ - bibliographicalTitle
theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa/ - titlePageTitle
mahayana uttaratantra sastra vyakhya - titlePageTitle
page 141 in Volume 132 of Work W22704
page 340 in Volume 132 of Work W22704
location: vol.132,ff.69r-129v (pp.137-258)
colophon: 'phags pa mgon po byams pas mdzad pa/ theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa/ slob dpon thogs med kyis mdzad pa rdzogs so/ /dpal grong khyer chen po dpe med kyi mkhas pa chen po bram ze rin chen rdo rje'i dpon po/ paN+Di ta mkhas pa chen po sa dza na dang / lo tsA ba shAkya'i dge slong blo ldan shes rab kyis/ grong khyer dpe med de nyid du bsgyur pa'o//
contents: gser bris number 3529
otani beijing: 5526