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Articles/On the Ritual Use of Ch'an Portraiture in Medieval China
Articles/On the rDzogs chen Distinction between Mind (sems) Primordial Knowing (ye shes): Clarifications and Transcendental Arguments
Articles/On the Ālayavijñāna in the Awakening of Faith: Comparing and Contrasting Wŏnhyo and Fazang’s Views on Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna
Articles/Onto-theology and Emptiness: The Nature of Buddha-Nature
Articles/Original Purity and the Arising of Delusion
Articles/Original Purity and the Focus of Early Yogācāra
Articles/Other-Emptiness in the Jonang School: The Theo-logic of Buddhist Dualism
Articles/Outline of Western Scholarship on Buddha-Nature
Articles/Painting Space with Colors: Tathāgatagarbha in the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṅkāra-Corpus IX.22-37
Articles/Paramārtha's Doctrine of a Ninth Consciousness, as Transmitted in Tibetan Texts: Tsong kha pa's Kun gzhi dka' gter and Its Context
Articles/Philologische Bemerkungen zum Ratnagotravibhāga
Articles/Philosophy and the Practice of Reflexivity: On Dōgen's Discourse about Buddha-Nature
Articles/Pointing Out Ordinary Mind
Articles/Practical Implications of Shentong Interpretations of Tathāgatagarbha by Lama Shenpen HookhamLama Shenpen Hookham Conversations on Buddha-Nature.mp3
Articles/Prajñāpāramitā and the Buddhahood of the Non-Sentient World: The San-Lun Assimilation of Buddha-Nature and Middle Path Doctrine
Articles/Presenting a Controversial Doctrine in a Conciliatory Way: Mkhan chen Gang shar dbang po's (1925–1958-59?) Inclusion of Gzhan stong ("Emptiness of Other") within Prāsaṅgika
Articles/Problems on Traditional Bifurcation between Tathāgatagarbha and Yogācāra in East Asia
Articles/Purifying Gold: The Metaphor of Effort and Intuition in Buddhist Thought and Practice
Articles/Putting Buddha Nature into Practice
Articles/RNgog blo ldan shes rab's Topical Outline of the Ratnagotravibhāga Discovered at Khara Khoto
Articles/RNgog lo-tsā-ba's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāga: An Early-20th-Century Lhasa Printed Edition
Articles/Ratnākaraśānti no shochosaku ni okeru nyoraizō rikai no niruikei
Articles/Ratnākaraśānti’s Understanding of Buddha-nature
Articles/Reading the Writing on the Wall: "Sengchou's" Cave at Xiaonanhai, Early Chinese Buddhist Meditation, and Unique Portions of *Dharmakṣema's Mahāparinirvāṇamahāsūtra
Articles/Reburying the Treasure—Maintaining the Continuity: Two Texts by Śākya Mchog Ldan on the Buddha-Essence
Articles/Reclaiming Faith: An Interview with Vipassana Teacher Sharon Salzberg and An Excerpt from Her New Book, Faith
Articles/Reconsidering the "Essence" of Indian Buddha-Nature Literature
Articles/Reification and Deconstruction of Buddha Nature in Chinese Chan
Articles/Rest in the Sky of Natural Mind
Articles/Ringu Tulku Interview on Buddha-NatureRingu Tulku on Buddha Nature.mp3
Articles/Robert Thurman: Conversations on Buddha-NatureRobert Thurman on Buddha Nature Full Interview.mp3
Articles/Rong-zom-pa’s Ontological Abyss
Articles/RṄog Blo ldan śes rab's Position on the Buddha-nature Doctrine and its Influence on the Early gSaṅ phu Tradition
Articles/Saigyō and the Buddhist Value of Nature, Part 1
Articles/Sajjana and Mahājana: Yogācāra Exegeses in the Eleventh Century Kashmir
Articles/Sammā Arahaṃ Meditation Self and Nibbāna: Equivalents of Buddha-Nature Discourse in Thai Buddhist Traditions by Potprecha CholvijarnPotprecha Cholvijarn Sammā Arahaṃ Meditation, Self, and Nibbāna.mp3
Articles/Sanskrit Manuscript of Sajjana's Mahāyānottaratantraśāstropadeśa
Articles/Sanskrit Manuscripts and Photographs of Sanskrit Manuscripts in Giuseppe Tucci’s Collection
Articles/Sanskrit Palm-Leaf Mss. in Tibet
Articles/Sanskrit Verses from Candrakīrtiʼs Triśaraṇasaptati Cited in the Munimatālaṃkāra
Articles/Search for Sanskrit Mss. in Tibet
Articles/Second Search of Sanskrit Palm-Leaf Mss. in Tibet
Articles/See the True Nature, Then Let Go and Relax in That
Articles/Self-Awareness (Svasaṃvitti) and Related Doctrines of Buddhists Following Dignāga
Articles/Self-Awareness (svasaṃvedana) in Dignāga's Pramāṇasamuccaya and -vṛtti: A Close Reading
Articles/Shakya Chokden's Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga: "Contemplative" or "Dialectical"?
Articles/Shakya Chokden's Unique Views on Buddha-Nature by Yaroslav Komarovski: Conversations on Buddha-NatureYaroslav Komarovski Sakya Chokdens Unique Views on Buddha-Nature.mp3
Articles/Shakya Chokden’s History of Madhyamaka Thought in Tibet
Articles/Shen-hui and the Teaching of Sudden Enlightenment in Early Ch'an Buddhism
Articles/Shentong – An Introduction