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Articles/Shōbōgenzō Buddha-Nature: Part 1
Articles/Shōbōgenzō Buddha-Nature: Part 2
Articles/Shōbōgenzō Buddha-Nature: Part 3
Articles/Sinitic Speculations on Buddha-Nature: The Nirvāṇa School (420–589)
Articles/Six Tibetan Translations of the Ratnagotravibhāga
Articles/Some Remarks on the Sanskrit Titles of Sthiramati’s Works
Articles/Spotless from the Start
Articles/Stephen Hodge Translates (The Mahāyāna Mahāparnirvāṇa-Sūtra)
Articles/Study and Practice of Buddha-Nature Teachings in the Nyingma Tradition by Khenpo Tenzin Norgay RinpocheKhenpo Tenzin Norgay Interview Audio.mp3
Articles/Sur l'authenticité du Ta tch'eng k'i sin louen
Articles/T'ien-T'ai Chih-I's Theory of Buddha Nature—A Realistic and Humanistic Understanding of the Buddha
Articles/T'ien-t'ai Chih'i's Concept of Threefold Buddha Nature-A Synergy of Reality, Wisdom, and Practice
Articles/Tathāgatagarbaḥ Sarvasattvānāṃ: A Hypothetical Interpretation of a Declarative Formula in the Mahāparinirvāṇamahāsūtra
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha Influences in the Three Nature (Trisvabhāva) Theory of the Maitreya Works
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha Scriptures
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha Thought: A Basis of Buddhist Devotionalism in East Asia
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha and Ātman: Self Where There Is No-Self
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha et Ālayavijñāna
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha from the Perspective of Karma pa Mi bskyod rdo rje as Presented in His Lamp that Eloquently Highlights the Tradition of the Gzhan stong Madhyamaka Proponents
Articles/Tathāgatagarbha, Emptiness, and Monism
Articles/Teachings on Not-Self and True Self in the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra by Kokyo Henkel
Articles/Tenderness and the Awakening of Buddha-Nature by Judith L. LiefJudith Lief Tenderness and the Awakening of Buddha-Nature Conversations on Buddha-Nature.mp3
Articles/Textual History of the Mahāyāna-Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra by Stephen Hodge
Articles/Textual and Philosophical Problems in the Translation and Transmission of Tathāgatagarbha Texts
Articles/The Ambiguity of the Buddha-Nature Concept in India and China
Articles/The Buddha Lies Hidden Within: Discourse on the Buddha Nature (The Tathāgatagarbha Sūtra)
Articles/The Buddha Nature: True Self as Action
Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine According to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Ehrhard
Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhaga-Review by Griffiths
Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Gimello
Articles/The Buddha Within: Tathagatagarbha Doctrine according to the Shentong Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga-Review by Need
Articles/The Buddha-Nature in Dōgen's Shōbōgenzō
Articles/The Buddhahood of All Insentient Beings
Articles/The Buddhahood of Plants and the Japanese View of Nature
Articles/The Buddhist Notion of an 'Immanent Absolute' (tathāgatagarbha) as a Problem in Hermeneutics
Articles/The Canonization of Philosophy and the Rhetoric of Siddhānta in Tibetan Buddhism
Articles/The Categories of T'i, Hsiang, and Yung: Evidence that Paramārtha Composed the Awakening of Faith
Articles/The Challenge of Tathāgatagarbha Tradition to Contemporary Political-Economic Discourse
Articles/The Clarity Aspect
Articles/The Collection of 'Indian Mahāmudrā Works' (Tib. phyag chen rgya gzhung) Compiled by the Seventh Karma pa Chos grags rgya mtsho
Articles/The Concept of Tathāgatagarbha in the Śrīmālādevī Sūtra (Sheng-Man Ching)
Articles/The Concept of the "Innate Purity of the Mind" in the Agamas and the Nikayas
Articles/The Dalai Lama on "Uttaratantra" and Buddha-Nature: Day One
Articles/The Debate over the Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna (Aviv 2020)
Articles/The Dharma of Liberation
Articles/The Direct and Gradual Approaches of Zen Master Mahāyāna: Fragments of the Teachings of Mo-ho-yen
Articles/The Doctrinal Transformation of Twentieth-Century Chinese Buddhism: Master Yinshun's Interpretation of the Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine
Articles/The Doctrine of Buddha Nature in Chinese Buddhism—Hui-K'ai on Paramārtha
Articles/The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature Is Impeccably Buddhist
Articles/The Doctrine of Buddha-Nature in Mahāyāna Buddhism