
From Buddha-Nature

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ldog pa gcig pa'i dpung 'phul ba;induction;induction  +
go chad kyi chos;utilitarian phenomenon;utilitarian phenomenon  +
dmigs bcas;possessing an object;possessing an object  +
(nyer ten gyi) phung po lnga;five aggregates [that are taken up];five aggregates [that are taken up]  +
rtog pa;conceptual thought,conceptual consciousness;conceptual thought,conceptual consciousness  +
gzung rtog;misconceptualization of the object;misconceptualization of the object  +
rtog pa'i snang yul;object appearing to conceptual thought;object appearing to conceptual thought  +
gzhan la grags kyi rjes dpag;inference based on what is renowned to or understood by others (''iro'');inference based on what is renowned to or understood by others (''iro'')  +
bdag lta;misperception of the self;misperception of the self  +
'dzin slangs;mode of apprehension;mode of apprehension  +
yod min med min gyi lta ba;view that things are neither existent nor nonexistent;view that things are neither existent nor nonexistent  +