
From Buddha-Nature

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yongs su rtog pa,mgnon par zhen pa;conceptualization;conceptualization  +
nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa;afflicted obscuration;afflicted obscuration  +
phyin ci ma log pa'i yong grub;nonerroneous real;nonerroneous real  +
mngon shes;extrasensory perception;extrasensory perception  +
tshul gsum;trimodal [criterion];trimodal [criterion]  +
rang bzhin da gnas pa'i rigs;inherently abiding lineage;inherently abiding lineage  +
kun byang gi chos;soteriologically valid doctrine;soteriologically valid doctrine  +
srid pa'i yan lag gyi bag chags;latent potentiality of the kinds of existence;latent potentiality of the kinds of existence  +
bdag gcig 'brel;related in such a way that they have the same nature;related in such a way that they have the same nature  +
dgag pa gnyis;law of excluded middle;law of excluded middle  +
ci yang yid la mi byed pa'i lta ba;view that nothing is to be thought of;view that nothing is to be thought of  +
longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku;enjoyment body;enjoyment body;saṃbhogakāya  +