
From Buddha-Nature

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"Finally, although his ''Uttaratantra'' commentary does not explicitly raise the issue of whether last-wheel texts such as the ''Samdhinirmocanasūtra'' and the ''Mahāyānasūtrālamkāra'' explain the view of Cittamātra or Madhyamaka, his commentary on the ''Abhidharmasamuccaya'' addresses the question and follows Dolpopa's position quite closely. In it, he clearly demonstrates that these treatises explain Cittamātra temporarily, but ultimately they teach the ultimate truth of the Madhyamaka." [[Wangchuk, Tsering]], ''[[The Uttaratantra in the Land of Snows]]'', p. 58.  +
The text considers emptiness as an aspect of buddha-nature.  +
Mostly likely emptiness but not clear.  +