
From Buddha-Nature

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Thirty-three resulting from anger, forty from desire, and seven from delusion. (See list included in text.)  +
"Knowledge-holder," holder [dhara] or bearer of knowledge [vidya]-mantra.  +
A term used in the abhidharma teachings. One of the eight consciousnesses, it harbors the thought "I am" and is the basis for all negative emotions. Also one of the eight collections.  +
Pronounced ''choe''. Literally, "cutting." A system of practices set down by Machik Labdrön for the purpose of cutting through the four Maras. One of the Eight Practice Lineages of Buddhism in Tibet.  +
The channels in the vajra body through which the winds (prana) flow.  +
The five riches from others are as follows: a buddha appears, teaches the dharma, the teachings remain, there are followers, and there are teachers with the kindness to teach. The five riches from oneself are: to be a human being, to be born in a central country, having the physical and mental faculties intact, not having a perverted livelihood, and having trust in the three jewels.  +
One of the eight consciousnesses according to abhidharma. It is the function of discriminating and labeling things.  +
Sarma, the New Schools, composed of Kagyü, Sakya, and Gelug.  +
A Dzogchen master invited to Tibet by King Trisong Detsen.  +
Three steps in visualization of a deity: seat with seed syllable, attribute, and deity.  +
The teachings brought to Tibet and translated chiefly during the reign of King Trisong Detsen and in the following period up to Rinchen Sangpo. The two principal types of teaching are kama and terma.  +
The transmission through concealed treasures hidden, mainly by Guru Rinpoche and Yeshe Tsogyal for the benefit of future disciples.  +
The innate wakefulness potentially present in all sentient beings.  +
A particular teaching whose practice is the entrance to the path of enlightenment.  +
The "form body" composed of sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya.  +