
From Buddha-Nature

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Mind Training. The mahayana meditation system of the early Kadampa School as brought to Tibet by Atisha Dipamkara.  +
The precious buddha, the precious dharma, and the precious sangha. For a detailed discussion see Thrangu Rinpoche's ''Buddha Nature'' (Rangjung Yeshe Publications, 1988).  +
The four knowledge-holders, masters of the four stages of the tantric path of Mahayoga. The four vidyadhara levels are the Fully Matured, Life-Mastery, Great Seal, and Spontaneously Accomplished (rnam smin, tshe dbang, phyag chen, lhun grub). The Mahayoga equivalent to the ten bodhisattva bhumis.  +
This word has different meanings in different contexts and should be understood accordingly. Literally it means the " foundation of all things. "  +
The world system of Mount Sumeru and the four continents multiplied a thousand times a thousand times a thousand, adding up to one billion.  +
The Oral Lineage of the Nyingma School, transmitted from master to student, of the body of teachings translated chiefly during the period of Guru Rinpoche's stay in Tibet.  +
''Coemergent''means arising together with or coexistent with one's mind, like sandalwood and its fragrance. ''Ignorance''here means lack of knowledge of the nature of mind.  +
The first of the three inner tantras; emphasizes the development stage.  +
"Direct Crossing." One of the two main aspects of Dzogchen practice, the other being Trekchö.  +
Here specifically referring to one of the Six Doctrines of Naropa.  +
Male enlightened practItIoner of vajrayana. Can also have deeper levels of meaning.  +
Refers to liberation from samsaric existence and the state of complete enlightenment.  +
The state of buddha hood endowed with the perfect benefit for self and others.  +
''Kaya'' literally means "body" in the sense of "embodiment of numerous qualities." Thus dharmakaya, for instance, is the "body" of all enlightened wisdom "qualities," such as the ten powers and the fourfold fearlessness.  +