
From Buddha-Nature

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Inherent or primordial purity and the purity of having removed all temporary obscurations.  +
The period from emerging in a mental body until entering a womb at the moment of conception.  +
Twenty-five masters in the Dzogchen lineage from Garab Dorje to Guru Rinpoche, Vimalamitra, and Vairochana.  +
The excellent beginning of bodhicitta, the excellent main part of nonconceptualization, and the excellent conclusion of dedicating the merit. These three aspects should be part of any spiritual practice one does.  +
Complete enlightenment, the unified level of a vajra holder. ''Unity'' refers to the union of means and knowledge, appearance and emptiness , or space and awareness. According to Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, ''unity'' refers to the unified state of the kayas and wisdoms, in which ''kaya'' is emptiness endowed with the supreme of all aspects and ''wisdom'' is the mind of unchanging great bliss.  +
''Karma'' literally means "action." In a general sense, it is the law of cause and effect, ruling that positive actions bring happiness and misdeeds yield suffering. Only through realizing selflessness and emptiness does one transcend the karma of cyclic existence, after which all activities are "undefiled" and result in manifesting the nirmanakayas for the benefit of beings.  +
An Indian master in the early Dzogchen lineage who was a disciple of Shri Singha. A close dharma friend and later teacher of Vimalamitra.  +
There are different lists, of which the most appropriate is as follows: recollection of the yidam deity, the path, the place of rebirth, the meditative state, the oral instructions of the teacher, and the view.  +
A personal deity and the root of accomplishment among the three roots.  +
The eight independent schools of Buddhism that flourished in Tibet: Nyingma, Kadampa, Marpa Kagyü, Shangpa Kagyü, Sakya, Jordruk, Shije, and Chöd.  +
Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, the close disciple of Guru Rinpoche who compiled the major part of his teachings.  +
The "body of perfect enjoyment." One of the three, four, or five kayas. The sambhogakaya should be understood in terms of ground, path, and fruition. The sambhogakaya of ground is the mind's innate capacity for knowing. The sambhogakaya of path is that as well as the luminous nature of bliss, clarity, and non thought. The sambhogakaya of fruition is defined as the five perfections: The perfect teacher is the fully enlightened buddha in a rainbow body adorned with the thirty-two major and eighty minor marks of excellence. The perfect retinue is the bodhisattvas on the ten bhumis. The perfect place is the pure realms of the five families. The perfect teaching is Mahayana and Vajrayana. The perfect time is the "perpetual circle of continuity."  +
Ejection of consciousness to a buddha-field at the moment of death.  +