
From Buddha-Nature

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The chief disciple of Tilopa and the guru of Marpa in the Kagyü Lineage.  +
The empowerments of vase, secret, wisdom-knowledge, and precious word according to Anuttara Tantra of the Sarma schools or the Three Inner Tantras of the Nyingma system. The purpose of receiving these empowerments is to be "ripened" so as to be authorized to practice the following four aspects of the vajrayana paths:<br> By receiving the vase empowerment, one is authorized to practice the development stage, the union of appearance and emptiness, according to the teachings of Mahayoga Tantra.<br> By receiving the secret empowerment, one is authorized to practice the completion stage with concepts, the profound path, which is the unity of clarity and emptiness connected with the "higher gate" of Anuyoga Tantra.<br> By receiving the wisdom-knowledge empowerment, one is authorized to practice the completion stage with concepts, the phony a path, which is the union of bliss and emptiness connected to the "lower gate" of Anuyoga Tantra. By receiving the precious word empowerment, one is authorized to practice the Great Perfection, which is the union of awareness and emptiness connected to Ati Yoga Tantra.<br> Guru Rinpoche said in his Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo: The vase empowerment, which purifies the body and the nadis,<br> Is the seed of the vajra body and nirmanakaya.<br> The secret empowerment, which purifies speech and the pranas,<br> Is the seed of the vajra speech and samboghyakaya.<br> The phonya empowerment, which purifies the mind and the bindus,<br> Is the seed of the vajra mind and dharmakaya.<br> The ultimate empowerment, which purifies habitual patterns and the all-ground,<br> Is the seed of the vajra wisdom and the svabhavikakaya.  +
The originally enlightened one, Adibuddha, Samantabhadra.  +
The supreme and common accomplishments. The supreme siddhi is the attainment of complete enlightenment. The common siddhis are usually eight types of miraculous powers.  +
The Dharma treasures concealed chiefly by Guru Rinpoche to be discoyered in the future by a tertön, a treasure revealer.  +
The natural lights of the buddha nature, the basic state of all beings. Depending upon whether the practitioner recognizes that these lights are the expression of his innate essence or grasps them as being phenomena external to himself, he will proceed toward liberation or further entanglement in samsaric existence.  +
Three aspects of vajrayana teachings. For example, the ''symbol'' is the peaceful and wrathful deities depicted on painted scrolls, made by human beings; the ''meaning'' they symbolize is the enlightened qualities inherent within our buddha nature; the ''sign'' is that they naturally manifest to the dead person during the bardo of dharmata.  +
The authoritative scriptures and the realization of the dharma in the minds of noble beings. They are the two qualities of the Precious Dharma.  +
A contemporary master of the Kagyü and Nyingma lineages, who lives at Nagi Gompa in Nepal.  +
The great female master who set down the Chöd practice.  +
The fourth of the four divisions of the Instruction Section of Dzogchen according to the arrangement of Shri Singha. ''See'' Appendix.  +