
From Buddha-Nature

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(1) The aspiration to attain enlightenment for the sake of all beings. (2) The red and white essences.  +
Gods, demigods, human beings, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell beings.  +
"Transcendent knowledge." The mahayana teachings on insight into emptiness.  +
Usually this term refers to the eight common siddhis and the supreme siddhi of mahamudra.  +
(1) The embodiment of compassion. (2) One of the eight main bodhisattvas.  +
A system of teachings which is the basic view of vajrayana practice according to the Sarma schools.  +
An Indian master of the Dzogchen lineage and a disciple of Garab Dorje. Same as Jampal Shenyen.  +
The highest of the four formless realms. Also known as dwelling on the idea "neither absence nor presence of perception. "  +
One of the experiences during the bardo of dharmata. The innate vajra speech of the buddha nature.  +
The third of the three inner tantras. Ati yoga is a synonym for Dzogchen (Skt. ''mahasandhi''). The emphasis of this tantra is the buddha-mandala contained within the nature of mind, and the chief practices are the completion stages without concepts, known as trekcho and thögal.  +
Attachment to gain, pleasure, praise, and fame and aversion to loss, pain, bad reputation, and blame.  +
The forefather of the Dzogchen lineage, who received the transmission from Vajrasattva.  +
(1) Female practitioner. (2) Female manifestation appearing in the bardo of dharmata.  +