
From Buddha-Nature

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The trainings of discipline, samadhi, and discriminating knowledge.  +
In this context. recognition of the nature of one's mind. ''See'' the introductory discourse by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche.  +
Literally, "the view of discontinuance." The extreme view of nothingness: no rebirth or karmic effects, and the nonexistence of a mind after death.  +
Here the term refers to the practices of the Six Doctrines. It should be practiced in combination with the path of liberation, which is Mahamudra itself.  +
The "diamond seat" under the Bodhi Tree in Bodh Gaya, where Buddha Shakyamuni attained enlightenment.  +
Generosity, pleasing speech, giving appropriate teachings, and maintaining consistency in behavior.  +
Placing one's confidence in the precious ones, the three jewels.  +
Five aspects of visualization of a deity in the development stage: moon disc, sun disc, seed syllable, symbolic attribute, and the complete form of the deity.  +
The third of the three stages of appearance, increase, and attainment. Same as the "redness. "  +
The subtle obscuration of holding on to the concepts of subject, object, and action.  +
The first manifestations in the bardo of dharmata. They belong to the category of unconditional phenomena.  +
The seven qualities of a sambhogakaya buddha: complete enjoyment, union, great bliss, absence of a self-nature, presence of compassion, being uninterrupted, and unceasing.  +