
From Buddha-Nature

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Indian mahasiddha, the guru of Naropa and father of the Kagyü lineage.  +
The five aspects which comprise the physical and mental constituents of a sentient being: physical forms, sensations, conceptions, (mental) formations, and consciousnesses.  +
One of the five buddhas; the chief figure of the lotus family.  +
The buddha aspects: Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha, Amoghasiddhi.  +
The hermitage near Kathmandu where Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche resides.  +
Nadi, prana, and bindu; the constituents of the vajra body.  +
A perfect memory, the essence of which is nondistraction.  +
Literally, "free from darkness of unknowing and endowed with the ability to cognize." There are the two aspects of "empty luminosity" like a clear open sky and "apparent luminosity" like five-colored lights, images, and so forth.  +
Virtuous actions embraced by the discriminating knowledge (shes rab) of insight into emptiness.  +