
From Buddha-Nature

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This is composed chiefly of the four immeasurables: compassion, love, sympathetic joy, and impartiality.  +
The Dzogchen word for our enlightened essence in its naked state.  +
A process of physical and mental dissolution that all sentient beings go through at various times, as when falling asleep and even in the moment of a sneeze. Here these stages refer chiefly to the process of dying.  +
The extreme view that the individual self, objective phenomena, and a creator god exist as something independent, everlasting, and singular.  +
Hinayana and mahayana. The emphasis of these teachings is to regard the path as the cause for attaining fruition: liberation from samsara or complete buddhahood. The resultant vehicles of vajrayana, on the other hand, regard the fruition of buddhahood as being inherently present within all beings, and the path is simply the act of removing the temporary obscurations that prevent us from receiving this correctly.  +
Another word for buddha-nature, the enlightened essence inherent in all sentient beings.  +
The New Schools are Kagyü, Sakya, and Gelug. The Old School refers to the Nyingma.  +
The forty-two peaceful and fifty-eight wrathful deities.  +
The absolute nature of relative truth; that all phenomena are beyond arising, dwelling, and ceasing.  +
The period from dying until emerging in the mental body of the bardo of becoming.  +
A tantric master who is adept in the rituals and meaning of vajrayana. The master from whom one receives tantric teachings.  +
Symbolic term for defilements in the channels of the vajra body, preventing the free flow of the pranas.  +