
From Buddha-Nature

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Tantric liturgy and procedure for practice, usually emphasizing the development stage.  +
The third of the three outer tantras: kriya, upa, and yoga.  +
A short moment such as a finger-snap or a long period such as from initially engendering bodhicitta until final and complete buddhahood.  +
The first of the three stages of appearance, increase, and attainment.  +
The human recipient of the maha ati teachings. ''See'' Garab Dorje.  +
The Heart Essence of the Great Perfection. Specifically the teachings of Dzogchcn brought to Tibet by Vimalamitra and Guru Rinpoche and later set down by Longchenpa.  +
The lesser nirvana refers to the liberation from cyclic existence attained by a hinayana practitioner. When referring to a buddha, ''nirvana'' is the great nondwelling state of enlightenment which falls neither into the extreme of samsaric existence nor into the passive state of cessation attained by an arhant.  +
The hinayana vows of individual liberation, the mahayana trainings of a bodhisattva, and the vajrayana samayas of a vidyadhara.  +
''Samsara'' means to spin or circle endlessly, as on a potter's wheel or on the rim of a water wheel. The idea is that sentient beings take birth and die, endlessly, in the six realms of samsara: the abodes of hell-beings, hungry ghosts, animals, humans, demigods, and gods.  +
A great Tibetan master in the Oral Lineage of the Nyingma School.  +
A great Tibetan master and the chief disciple of Marpa. See'' The Life of Milarepa'' (Shambhala Publications, 1977).  +
The ground luminosity of the natural state, inherent as the enlightened essence of all sentient beings.  +