
From Buddha-Nature

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The two main aspects of vajrayana practice. By uniting the means (upaya) of the development stage, the fabricated, with the knowledge (prajña) of the completion stage, the unfabricated, a tantric practitioner swiftly attains complete enlightenment.  +
The all-ground consciousness, mind-consciousness, afflicted mind, consciousness, and the five sense-consciousnesses.  +
The completion stage with concepts is the Six Doctrines of Naropa according to the Sarma schools or Anu Yoga in the Nyingma system; the completion stage without concepts is Essence Mahamudra according to Sarma or Dzogchen in the Nyingma system.  +
The discourses and teachings given by Buddha Shakyamuni.  +
All the components of our existence, the skandhas, elements, and so forth of the world and of all beings, are, in their pure aspects, a pure realm consisting of the five male and female buddhas and so forth; so, when perceiving things as they are, there is not even a speck of impurity to find anywhere. This is the basic view of the Anuttara Tantra of the New Schools and the Three Inner Tantras of the Old School. For more information see Longchen Rabjam's ''phyogs bcu mun sel'', recently translated by Gyurme Dorje.  +
The three divisions of Dzogchen: Mind Section, Space Section, and Instruction Section.  +
At the time of death of a practitioner who has reached the exhaustion of all grasping and fixation through the Dzogchen practice of Thögal, the five gross elements which form the physical body dissolve back into their essences, five-colored light (the natural lights of the buddha nature). Sometimes only the hair and the nails are left behind.  +
The sacred pledge or commitment of vajrayana practice. There are many details, but essentially the samayas consist of, outwardly, keeping a harmonious relationship with the vajra master and one's dharma friends and, inwardly, not straying from the continuity of the practice.  +
A tantric ritual connected to the sadhana practice of one of the three roots: guru, yidam, or dakini. ''Feast'' literally means "gathering": the gathering of enlightened guests, the practitioners, the feast articles, and the two accumulations of merit and wisdom.  +
The period from conception in the womb until catching a fatal disease or meeting with an irreversible cause of death.  +
The three experiences accompanying the stages of appearance, increase, and attainment.  +
The first of the three inner tantras. The emphasis of this tantra is the buddha-mandala as the pure aspect of oneself, the people, and the environment. The chief practice is the development stage.  +