Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa'i rnam bshad zin bris dbu phyogs legs pa

From Buddha-Nature

theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa'i rnam bshad zin bris
Commentarial Notes on Thoroughly Ascertaining the Great Middle Way of the Expansive Supreme Vehicle

A collection of explanatory notes on Tāranātha's Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa compiled by his disciple Yeshe Gyamtso, the book presents in detail the concepts of the Middle Way, the understanding of the ground, general phenomenology, Buddhist theories of consciousness and Mahāyāna path leading to Buddhahood, which is considered to be a quality latent in all sentient beings obscured by adventitious afflictions. The notes on the last two chapters were either not written or lost. Lobsang Chogdrub Gyatso added the commentary on the last two chapters in 1894.

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Other Titles ~ Theg mchog zin bris
Text exists in ~ Tibetan
Commentary of ~ Theg mchog shin tu rgyas pa'i dbu ma chen po rnam par nges pa

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