Category:Library Items
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Pages in category "Library Items"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,130 total.
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- Articles/'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Dharmatā Chapter of the Dharmadharmatāvibhāgakārikās
- Articles/'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā (Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos kyi 'grel bshad de kho na nyid rab tu gsal ba'i me long)-Review by Hugon
- Articles/'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā-Review by Kano
- Articles/'Gos Lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal's Extensive Commentary on and Study of the Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā
- Articles/'Luminous Is This Mind, O Monks': An Intertextual Excursion by Peter Skilling
- Books/A Buddha Within: The Tathāgatagarbhasūtra
- Books/A Clear Differentiation of the Three Codes
- Articles/A Clue to the Authorship of the Awakening of Faith: "Śikṣānanda's" Redaction of the Word "Nien"
- Articles/A Comment on the Term Ārambaṇa in the Ratnagotravibhāga, I, 9
- Articles/A Comparative Study of Taehyŏn, Wŏnhyo, and Fazangs’ Views on Ālayavijñāna and Tathāgatagarbha
- Articles/A Critical Edition and Translation of a Text Fragment from Abhayākaragupta's Āmnāyamañjarī: Göttingen,
- Media/A Definition of Buddha-Nature by Douglas Duckworth
- Articles/A Dilettante's Ramblings on the Uttaratantra, Asaṅga, Mipham, and Buddha-Nature by John Canti
- Books/A Direct Path to the Buddha Within: Go Lotsāwa's Mahāmudrā Interpretation of the Ratnagotravibhāga
- Media/A Discourse on the Uttaratantra by 14th Dalai Lama in Holland (Part 1 of 4)
- Articles/A Eulogy of Mind’s Connate Qualities, Zhwa dmar Chos grags ye shes on the Hidden Meaning of Luminosity
- Articles/A Fragment of the "Uttaratantra" in Sanskrit
- Articles/A History of Buddha-Nature Theory: The Literature and Traditions
- Books/A Lamp to Illuminate the Five Stages
- Articles/A Late Proponent of the Jo nang gZhan stong Doctrine: Ngag dbang tshogs gnyis rgya mtsho (1880–1940)
- Articles/A Look at the Diversity of the Gzhan stong Tradition
- Articles/A Luminous Transcendence of Views: The Thirty Apophatic Topics in dPal dbyangs's Thugs kyi sgron ma
- Articles/A Manuscript of the Mahāyānottaratantraśāstropadeśa, a Sanskrit Commentary on the Ratnagotravibhāga
- Articles/A Multi-associative Term: Why Tathāgatagarbha Is Not One and the Same
- Articles/A Note on Ratnagotravibhāga I.52 + Bhagavadgītā XIII.32
- Articles/A Prayer for "Plants and Trees, Countries and Lands, All Become Buddhas"
- Articles/A Preliminary Analysis of the Tathāgatagarbhasūtra as Found in the Lang Kanjur
- Articles/A Preliminary Report on Newly Identified Text Fragments in Śāradā Script from Źwa lu Monastery in the Tucci Collection
- Books/A Prolegomena to the Śrīmālādevī Sūtra and the Tathāgatagarbha Theory: The Role of Women in Buddhism
- Articles/A propos de la date de Vasubandhu
- Articles/A Provisional List of Tibetan Commentaries on the Ratnagotravibhāga
- Articles/A Re-examination of the Relationship between the Awakening of Faith and Dilun School Thought, Focusing on the Works of Huiyuan
- Articles/A Sanskrit MS. from Tibet: Kamalaśīla's Bhāvanā-krama
- Articles/A Second Tibetan Translation of the Tathāgatagarbhasūtra in the Newark Manuscript Kanjur from Bathang: A Translation of the Early Period (snga dar)
- Articles/A Self-Aggrandizing Vehicle: Tathāgatagarbha, Tīrthikas, and the True Self
- Articles/A Short Guide to Key Buddhanature Texts (Donnelly 2023)
- Books/A Study of Master Yinshun’s Hermeneutics: An Interpretation of the Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine
- Articles/A Study of the Early-Stage Translations of Foxing 佛性 in Chinese Buddhism: The Da Banniepan Jing 大般涅槃經 Trans. Dharmakṣema and the Da Fangdeng Rulaizang Jing 大方等如來藏經 Trans. Buddhabhadra
- Books/A Study of Yogācāric Influence on Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine as Found in Laṅkāvatārasūtra
- Books/A Study on the Ratnagotravibhaga
- Articles/A Study on the Ratnagotravibhāga (Uttaratantra): Being a Treatise on the Tathāgatagarbha Theory of Mahāyāna Buddhism-Review by de Jong
- Articles/A Syntactic Analysis of the Term Tathāgatagarbha in Sanskrit Fragments and Multiple Meanings of Garbha in the Mahāparinirvāṇamahāsūtra
- Articles/A Tree In The West: Competing Tathāgatagarbha Theories in Tibet
- Media/Abiding within the Buddha-Nature by Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
- Media/About Faith: Everyone Has Buddha-Nature
- Media/About the Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra with Arne Schelling
- Articles/Absolute Delusion, Perfect Buddhahood—The Universal Buddha of the San-chieh-chiao
- Books/Accessing Tibetan Tathāgatagarbha Interpretations based on The Ratnagotravibhāga
- Articles/All Buddhas and All Living Beings Are Just This One Mind
- Media/All Living Beings Have Buddha-Nature: The Genesis of the Concept of Universal Buddhahood
- Books/An Early Tibetan Survey of Buddhist Literature
- Books/An English Translation of Fa-Tsang's Commentary on the Awakening of Faith
- Media/An Introduction to Discovering the Buddha Within by H.E. Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
- Media/Anne Burchardi: Advice on Navigating the Plethora of Available Buddha-Nature Teachings
- Media/Anne Burchardi: Buddha-Nature in Practice: How the Notion of "Garbha" Can Be Applied to "Being in the World"
- Media/Anne Burchardi: On Her First Encounter with Buddha-Nature Teachings
- Media/Anne Burchardi: On Her Work Compiling the Commentaries to the Uttaratantra
- Media/Anne Burchardi: On the Provisional or Definitive Nature of the Buddha-Nature Teachings
- Media/Anne Burchardi: On the Sutra Sources for the Uttaratantra and Her Work on the Dharanishvarajasutra
- Media/Anne Burchardi: On Turning Hardship into the Path
- Media/Anne Burchardi: Why the Buddha-Nature Teachings were Taught according to the Uttaratantrashastra
- Articles/Apophatic and Kataphatic Discourse in Mahāyāna: A Chinese View
- Articles/Appendix F: Inventory List of Manuscripts in Sanskrit, Khotanese, and Kuchean
- Books/Approaching the Great Perfection
- Articles/Awakening of Faith in Mahāyāna
- Articles/Basic Program: Buddha Nature, Essence of Enlightenment by Don Handrick
- Media/Basics of Buddha-Nature: Mipham's Roaring Lions Public
- Articles/BCom ldan rig ral cho Daijō kukyōron sōgonka: Wayaku oyobi kōtei tekusuto (1)
- Articles/BCom ldan rig ral cho Daijō kukyōron sōgonka: Wayaku oyobi kōtei tekusuto (2): Hōshōron I.4–22 no chūkai
- Articles/Beings, Non-Beings, and Buddhas: Contrasting Notions of Tathāgatagarbha in the Anūnatvāpūrṇatvanirdeśaparivarta and *Mahābherī Sūtra
- Articles/Bodhigarbha: Preliminary Notes on an Early Dzokchen Family of Buddha-Nature Concepts
- Articles/Book Launch: Revisiting Buddha-Nature in India and China by Dr. Christopher Jones and Dr. Li Zijie
- Articles/Buddha by Nature or Buddha by Nurture: Deliberations on the Buddha-Nature Theory in the Nyingma Tradition by Dorji Wangchuk: Conversations on Buddha-Nature
- Articles/Buddha in the Storehouse: Mi bskyod rdo rje on the Relationship between Tathāgatagarbha and Ālayavijñāna
- Books/Buddha Nature (Geshe Sonam Rinchen)
- Books/Buddha Nature (Sallie King)
- Books/Buddha Nature (Shamar)
- Books/Buddha Nature and Animality
- Media/Buddha Nature and Permission: Anne Klein at Dawn Mountain
- Books/Buddha Nature and Preliminary Prayers and Their Explanations
- Articles/Buddha Nature and the Concept of Person
- Articles/Buddha Nature and the Omniscient Mind
- Media/Buddha Nature and the Yogācāra Analysis of Mind in The Awakening of Faith
- Articles/Buddha Nature as Myth
- Media/Buddha Nature by Ringu Tulku Rinpoche (Part 1 of 3)
- Media/Buddha Nature by Ven. Ajahn Brahm
- Media/Buddha Nature in Tibet: Transformation of the Ground: Talk by Douglas Duckworth
- Books/Buddha Nature Reconsidered - Vol 1
- Articles/Buddha Nature Thought and Mysticism
- Media/Buddha Nature: A Collection of Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamsto's Teachings on Buddha Nature
- Books/Buddha Nature: A Festschrift in Honor of Minoru Kiyota
- Articles/Buddha Nature: Sharon Salzberg Post on Our Inner Lives
- Books/Buddha Nature: Ten Teachings on the Uttaratantra Shastra
- Articles/Buddha Nature: The Inconceivable Inseparability of Emptiness and Compassionate Awareness
- Books/Buddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra
- Media/Buddha Nature: What is it? How is it different from soul? A Teaching from Zasep Tulku
- Media/Buddha Potential 1: Uttaratantra by Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche at Land of Medicine Buddha (Part 1 of 9)
- Media/Buddha Potential 2: Uttaratantra by Kirti Tsenshab Rinpoche at Land of Medicine Buddha (Part 1 of 7)
- Articles/Buddha-Nature (1): Revering Buddha-Nature
- Articles/Buddha-Nature (2): We Are Children of the Buddha
- Media/Buddha-Nature according to Zhiyi and the T'ien T'ai Tradition by Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson
- Media/Buddha-Nature and Creativity
- Books/Buddha-Nature and Emptiness
- Articles/Buddha-Nature and Personality as the Ground of Ethics: A Metaethical Dialogue between Dōgen and Berdyaev
- Articles/Buddha-Nature and Social Justice by Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo
- Articles/Buddha-Nature and the Great Perfection in the 11-14th Centuries by David Germano
- Articles/Buddha-Nature and the Logic of Pantheism
- Media/Buddha-Nature Event-19 September 2020
- Articles/Buddha-Nature in Early Chan and Japanese Zen by Rev. Kokyo Henkel: Conversations on Buddha-Nature
- Media/Buddha-Nature in the Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra by Peter Alan Roberts
- Articles/Buddha-Nature Is Who We Really Are by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo: Conversations on Buddha-Nature
- Articles/Buddha-Nature of Insentient Beings
- Articles/Buddha-Nature or Buddha Within?: Revisiting the Meaning of Tathāgata-garbha
- Articles/Buddha-Nature Theories from Fourteenth- and Fifteenth-Century Tibet by Klaus-Dieter Mathes
- Media/Buddha-Nature — Episode 22 of True Words: A Shingon Buddhist Podcast
- Articles/Buddha-nature, Critical Buddhism, and Early Chan
- Books/Buddha-nature, Mind and the Problem of Gradualism in a Comparative Perspective
- Media/Buddha-Nature: A Talk by Khenpo Tshewang Sonam in Thimphu, Bhutan
- Books/Buddha-Nature: Mahayana-Uttaratantra-Shastra (Khyentse Commentary)
- Media/Buddha-Nature: Taught by Cortland Dahl, October 2019 (Part 1)
- Media/Buddha-Nature: Teaching by Khenpo Dudjom Dorjee Rinpoche at Karma Thegsum Choling Dallas
- Books/Buddha-Nature: The Mahayana Uttara Tantra Shastra: Maitreya's Root Text and Asanga's Commentary
- Media/Buddha-Nature: Theoretical Understanding and Practical Application by Karma Phuntsho
- Books/Buddha-Nature: Through the Eyes of Go rams pa Bsod nams seng ge in Fifteenth-Century Tibet
- Articles/Buddhadhātu, Tathāgatadhātu and Tathāgatagarbha in the Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra
- Articles/Buddhanature Beyond Mere Concept (Condon 2023)
- Articles/Buddhanature: You're Perfect as You Are
- Articles/Buddhism and Nature—East Asian
- Media/Buddhism's Buddha-Nature and Confucianism's Idea of Inherent Goodness by Sheng Yen
- Books/Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions (14th Dalai Lama and Chodron 2014)
- Media/Buddhism: One Teacher, Many Traditions: Chapter 14: Buddha Nature: A Talk by Thubten Chodron (Part 1 of 4)
- Books/Buddhist Cosmic Unity
- Books/Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation Practice
- Articles/Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese
- Books/Buddhist Texts Through the Ages
- Articles/Buddyjska koncepcja świetlistego umysłu i jej rola w tradycji tathagatagarbhy
- Articles/Can all Beings Potentially Attain Awakening? Gotra-theory in the Mahāyānasūtrālaṃkāra
- Articles/Can We Speak of Kadam Gzhan Stong? Tracing the Sources for Other-Emptiness in Early-Fourteenth-Century Tibet
- Books/Carefree Dignity
- Media/Casey Kemp at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium
- Media/Casey Kemp: Buddha-Nature as a Path of Means: The Influence of Buddha-Nature Theory on Eleventh-Century Tibetan Tantric Instructions
- Books/Cataphatic Emptiness: rGyal-tshab on the Buddha-essence Theory of Asaṅga's Ratnagotravibhāgavyākhyā
- Books/Chi-tsang’s Ta-ch’eng-hsüan-lun: The Two Truths and the Buddha Nature
- Articles/Chinese Tiantai Doctrine on Insentient Things' Buddha-Nature
- Media/Christopher Jones: Defining a "Buddha-Nature Discourse": The Case of the Mahāmeghasūtra (Sprin chen po'i mdo)
- Articles/Cittaprakṛti and Ayoniśomanaskāra in the Ratnagotravibhāga: A Precedent for the Hsin-Nien Distinction of The Awakening of Faith
- Media/Closing Remarks from Gyedrak Tulku
- Media/Closing Remarks from Khenpo Gyurme Tsultrim
- Books/Coming to Terms with Chinese Buddhism
- Books/Commentary on The Presentation of Grounds, Paths, and Results
- Media/Compassion, Love, and Buddha Nature
- Articles/Consciousness and Luminosity in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism
- Articles/Continuum vs. Teachings
- Books/Critical Buddhism
- Articles/Critical Buddhism and Returning to the Sources
- Media/Critical Buddhism: An Overview by Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson
- Articles/Critical Edition of the Sanskrit Text of the Munimatālaṃkāra Chapter 1 (fol. 58r5–59v4): Passages on Caturāryasatya and Trisvabhāva Borrowed from Kamalaśīla's Madhyamakāloka
- Books/Cultivating Original Enlightenment
- Books/Currents and Countercurrents
- Media/David Germano: How Can Dzogchen Teachings and Practices Be Made More Relevant to the Wider World?
- Media/David Germano: How Does gzhi (the Ground or Base) Relate to bden pa gnyis (the Two Truths) in Madhyamaka?
- Media/David Germano: How Does One Actualize Buddha-Nature in the Nyingtik Teachings?
- Media/David Germano: On Buddha-Nature in Tibet in the Early Translation Period
- Media/David Germano: On His Current Research Projects
- Media/David Germano: On His Interest in the Great Perfection and Buddha-Nature
- Media/David Germano: On His Work with the Contemplative Sciences Center at UVA
- Media/David Germano: On How the Dzogchen Nyingtik Tradition Approaches Buddha-Nature
- Media/David Germano: On Longchenpa and Jigme Lingpa
- Media/David Germano: On Longchenpa's View of Prāsaṅgika Madhyamaka
- Media/David Germano: On the Aesthetics of Dzogchen and the Vajra as a Metaphor for Buddha-Nature
- Media/David Germano: On the Concept of Buddha-Nature and the Questions It Generates
- Media/David Germano: On the Evolution of Dzogchen Practices from the 11th to the 14th Century
- Media/David Higgins at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium
- Media/David Higgins: The Eighth Karmapa and the Primacy of Tantric Buddha-Nature Views
- Media/Dealing with Depression: Interview with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo on Study Buddhism
- Articles/Death, Sleep, and Orgasm: Gateways to the Mind of Clear Light
- Media/Defining Buddha-Nature by Jamie Hubbard and Paul Swanson
- Articles/Did ’Gos lo tsā ba gZhon nu dpal (1392–1481) Espouse a gZhan stong View?
- Media/Discovering Buddha Nature: Talk by Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche
- Articles/Do you have buddhanature?
- Articles/Does a Dewdrop Teach Dharma? Zen Perspectives on the Teachings of the Insentient
- Media/Does a Dog Have Buddha Nature? By Tenshin Reb Anderson
- Articles/Does a Dog See into Its Buddha-Nature? Re-posing the Question of Animality-Humanity in Zen Buddhism
- Articles/Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature?
- Articles/Does a Table Have Buddha-Nature? A Moment of Yes and No. Answer! But Not in Words or Signs! A Response to Mark Siderits
- Articles/Does My Dog Have Buddhanature?
- Books/Dolopopa's Mountian Dharma (Thrangu 2023)
- Articles/Dolpopa and Gyaltsab Debate Tathāgatagarbha: Two Distinct Interpretations of Buddha-Nature in Tibet
- Media/Donald S. Lopez, Jr. - Keynote of the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk at the 2019 Tathāgatagarbha Symposium
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: Buddha by Nature or Buddha by Nurture? On the Views of Rongzompa, Longchenpa, and Mipam
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: How Can Ordinary Buddhists Access the Profound Teachings on Buddha-Nature?
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: How Were Rongzompa's Works Received and Integrated in the Nyingma Tradition?
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: Is "Other-Emptiness" Taught as Part of the Curriculum in Nyingma Shedras Today?
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: Longchenpa and His Position on Buddha-Nature
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: On His First Encounter with the Concept of Buddha-Nature
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: On How Buddha-Nature Theory May Be Shaped by Western Studies and Practice and the Implications of Tathāgatagarbha Theory
- Media/Dorji Wangchuk: On the Impact of Rongzompa, Longchenpa, and Mipam on the Nyingma Tradition