- Editor's Introduction9
- 1. Varieties of Early Buddha Nature Teaching in India
- Christopher V. Jones25
- 2. The Mahāyānottaratantraśāstropadeśa of Sajjana: A Reading Sanskrit Text and Annotated Translation
- Kazuo Kano55
- 3. From Buddha Nature to Original Enlightenment: "Contemplating Suchness" in Medieval Japan
- Jacqueline I. Stone93
- 4. How the Concepts of Buddha Nature and Original Enlightenment Were
Interpreted by Shinran- Seiji Kumagai123
- 5. The Basis for Buddhahood: The Naturally Luminous Mind and Buddha Nature in the Early Mahāmudrā Tradition
- Casey Kemp139
- 6. A Meditation-Oriented Approach to Buddha Nature as Seen by Early Kagyü Masters
- Martina Draszczyk171
- 7. Preliminary Notes on the Notion of Buddha Nature in the Single Intention
- Katrin Querl193
- 8. Jigten Sumgön's View of Buddha Nature and How Confusion Distinguishes a Sentient Being from a Buddha
- Khenpo Konchok Tamphel219
- 9. Images of Emptiness in a Prognostic Mirror: Tantric Zhentong Visions of Tathāgatagarbha in Early Jonang Kālacakra Yoga Manuals
- Michael R. Sheehy229
- 10. Shangton Sönam Drakpa's Defense of Dölpopa Sherab Gyaltsen's Ground Consciousness
- Klaus-Dieter Mathes261
- 11. Buddha Nature through the Eyes of Gorampa Sönam Sengé
- Khenpo Ngawang Jorden291
- 12. Buddha Nature and Selfhood: Critical Reflections by the Eighth Karmapa
Mikyö Dorjé- David Higgins317
- 13. The Role of the Ratnagotravibhāga in Tāranātha's Great Madhyamaka Vehicle
- Sina Joos349
- 14. Empty of True Existence, Yet Full of Qualities: Ngawang Tsoknyi Gyatso on Buddha Nature
- Filippo Brambilla377
- 15. Sentient Beings Within: Buddha Nature and the Great Perfection
- Douglas Duckworth423
- 16. The Impact of a Zhentong Interpretation of Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine from
the Point of View of a Western Buddhist Practitioner- Shenpen Hookham447
- About the Authors469
- Index475