- Contentsvi
- Acknowledgementsix
- Abbreviationsx
- Part One. Introduction1
- 1. The Career of Bcom ldan ral gri3
- 2. The Context of Bcom ldan ral gri's Bstan pa rgyas pa rgyan gyi nyi 'od: A Preliminary Survey of the Production of Tibetan Canonical Collections under Mongol Rule9
- 2.1 Canonical Collections before "Bka' 'gyur" and "Bstan 'gyur"9
- 2.2 Early Canonical Production in the Sa skya Tradition14
- 2.3 Canonical Production at Tshal and Elsewhere32
- 2.4 Local Variation in the Contents of Early Kangyurs and Tengyurs41
- 2.5 Bcom ldan ral gri and Debates on the Canonicity of the Guhyagarbha Tantra46
- 3. The Structure, Contents, and Date of the Bstan pa rgyas pa rgyan gyi nyi 'od51
- 4. Conventions71
- Appendicesx
- 1. Outline of the Bstan bcos kyi dkar chag by Dbus pa Blo gsal Rtsod pa'i
seng ge (ca. 1270-ca. 1355)75 - 2. Outline of Chapter Four of Bu ston Rin chen grub's (1290-1364) History77
- 3. A Comparison of Sections in the Lhan dkar ma, 'Phyang thang ma, and
Bstan pa rgyas pa rgyan gyi nyi 'od85 - 4. The 'Phang thang ma Section Titles in Bcom ldan ral gri's 1261 Thub pa'i
bstan pa rgyan gyi me tog87 - 5. Section titles of the Zhwa lu/Sne'u gdong 1362 Bstan 'gyur89
- 6. Titles in the Bstan pa rgyas pa rgyan gyi nyi 'od corresponding to titles of
missing works in Bu ston Rin chen grub's History91 - Select Bibliographies93
- Part Two. The Bstan pa rgyas pa rgyan gyi nyi 'od102
- Title104
- Opening Verse104
- 1. How Tibet Developed105
- 2. How Buddhism Developed in Tibet108
- 3. Prajñāpāramitā115
- 4. Avatamsaka118
- 5. Ratnakūta120
- 6. Mahāyāna Sūtras124
- 7. Hīnayāna Sūtras135
- 8. Dhāranī140
- 9. *Nāma, Pranidhāna, and Mangala150
- 10. Sūtra Commentaries154
- 11. Translations from Chinese and Khotanese159
- 12. Vinaya163
- 13. Abhidharma166
- 14. Cittamātra Śāstra168
- 15. Madhyamaka Śāstra171
- 16. Bodhisattvacārya and Bhāvanākrama174
- 17. Stotra177
- 18. Guhyamantra180
- 19. Tarka189
- 20. Partial Unrevised Translations192
- 21. How Translators, Scholars, Kings, and Ministers Appeared in Tibet213
- 22. Translations by Lo tsā ba Rin chen bzang po197
- 23. Translations by Students of Rin chen bzang po209
- 24. Translations by Lo tsā ba Nag tsho Tshul khrims rgyal ba213
- 25. Translations Just After Atiśa (ca. 982-ca.1054) Passed Away220
- 26. Translations by 'Brog mi Lo tsā ba Blo ldan shes rab and Others228
- 27. Translations by Rngog Lo tsā ba Blo ldan shes rab and Others237
- 28. Translations by Pa tshab Lo tsā ba Nyi ma grags and Others245
- 29. A Classification of Authentic and Inauthentic Sūtras, Tantra, and Śāstras255
- 30. Works Composed up to the Era of Emperor Khri Ral pa can263
- 31. Concluding Instruction274
- Concluding Verses277
- Colophon277
- Post-colophonic Gloss277