Chos dbyings du ma ro gcig bde gshegs snying po'i yon tan can gyi mdo sde

From Buddha-Nature

(Redirected from A Sutra on the Qualities of Buddha Nature: The One Taste Underlying the Diversity of the Ultimate Sphere)

LibraryCommentariesChos dbyings du ma ro gcig bde gshegs snying po'i yon tan can gyi mdo sde

bde gshegs snying po yon tan can gyi me long

Dölpopa's responds to arguments against the theory that buddha-nature has the qualities of the buddha latent in it. He uses scriptural citations and reasonings to argue that the unconditioned buddha-nature must possess the qualities of the Buddha.

Philosophical positions of this text

Text Metadata

Other Titles ~ Chos dbyings du ma ro gcig bde gshegs snying po yon tan can gyi me long
~ Bde gshegs snying po yon tan can gyi me long

Literary Genre ~ Polemical Literature - dgag lan

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