Klaus-Dieter Mathes Interview on Buddha-Nature

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Buddha-Nature in Comparative Perspective, an Interview with Klaus-Dieter Mathes
Klaus-Dieter Mathes

Klaus-Dieter Mathes, Head of the Department of South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Vienna, granted an interview to Marcus Perman and Alex Gardner @ buddha-nature.tsadra.org on April 24, 2018. The discussion is almost an hour long and ranges from Klaus' personal interest in buddha-nature teachings to his ongoing and detailed research projects on the subject. Mathes discusses buddha-nature and the key ideas behind it, the controversies it generates, and some of the related Buddhist philosophy in comparative perspective.

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Clips from the Interview

Buddha-nature has controversial points.
Do you accept buddhahood or not?
Mathes talks about reification and two approaches in the Karma Kagyu Tradition.
Mystic comes from a word that means to close ones eyes, but in Buddhism you are opening your eyes.
Different approaches to buddha-nature—the debates are alive and well in contemporary Tibetan Buddhist communities.