- Prefacev
- Bio-data of Dr. phil., Dr. h.c. Gustav Rothxi
- Bibliography of Professor Gustav Rothxxi
- 1. Sibjiban Bhattacharya: Meaning and Scepticism: Some Indian Themes and Theories1
- 2. S.S. Barlingay: The Grammar of (Indian) Moral Concepts21
- 3. Rajendra P. Pandey: Language and Significance37
- 4. G.L. Pandit: Rediscovering Indian Philosophy: Out of Text and Into Text41
- 5. K.N.Tiwari: Logicalism and Anthropocentrism in Linguistic Meaning53
- 6. P.R. Bhat: Philosophical Problems and Language in Wittgenstein61
- 7. N.K. Devaraja: Self and Freedom: The Vedantic and Phenomenological Perspectives79
- 8. Arvind Kumar Rai: The Positive Dimension of Śunyatā in Nāgārjuna87
- 9. Vijay Bharadwaja: Svadharma and Mokṣa: A Critique95
- 10. Deepkant Prasad: The Concept of Justification and Svataḥprāmāṇya-
Parataḥprāmāṇya Debate103 - 11. R.I. Ingalalli: Pramanya (Validity of Knowledge)143
- 12. Raghunath Ghosh: Some Problems Concerning the Comprehension of Meaning157
- 13. Tulsi Ram Kanaujia: Heterogeneity of Arthāpatti165
- 14. Rajesh Kumar Jha: Advaitism as Revealed in the Saudarya-laharī of Śaṃkara85
- 15. Ramesh Kumar Sharma: Reality of the External World: Yoga vs.
Buddhist Idealism221 - 16. H. S. Prasad: Śāntideva on Roots and Resolutions of Violence233
- 17. Hajime Nakamura: Buddhist Influence as is Noticed in the Fourth Chapter of the
Gauḍapādīya-Kārikā-s241 - 18. Harsh Narain: Nibbāna: Extinction or Emancipation259
- 19. N.H. Samtani: Mahāyāna Elements in Thai Buddhism267
- 20. S.C. Goswami: The Monistic Absolute of the Uttaratantra and Modem Science275
- 21. Sanghasen Singh: On the Restoration of the Śrīghanācārasaṃgraha283
- 22. K.T.S. Sarao: Did the Buddha Really Belong to the Sixth-fifth Century B.C.303
- 23. Hisashi Matsumura: A Story of Seeking after the Dharma and a Verse on
Impermanence-Another Mahāyāna Element in Sri Lanka Literature319 - 24. K.R. Norman: The Nasalisation of Vowels in Middle Indo-Aryan331
- 25. Georg von Simson: Gaṇeśa and Vṛtra339
- 26. Utz Podzeit: Indian Manuscripts in Vienna351
- 27. Lokesh Chandra & Sudarshan Devi Singhal: Avalokiteśvara in Tun-Huang
Painting359 - 28. Chandra B. Varma: A Translator's Approach with Reference to the
Abhidhammatthasaṅgahasarūpa373 - 29. T.S. Rukmani: Upaniṣadic Philosophy and the Pañcakośa Concept
Compared with Recent Humanistic Psychology in the West383 - 30. S.C. Goswami: Complementarity of Opposites: The Undercurrent of Upaniṣadic
Thought389 - 31. V.N. Jha: Jayanta on Prātibhajñāna399
- 32. Keshab Chandra Dash: Pronominal Reference and Inferential Mechanism in Micro-
Structural Representation403 - 33. K. Maheswaran Nair: On the Hindu Thinking on Conversion to Buddhism in
Kerala413 - 34. Ashok Kumar Goswami: Contributions of Anundoram Borooah to Sanskrit423
- 35. List of Contributors 437
This book contains thirty-four essays written by eminent philosophers and indologists in honor of the erudite scholar of Indian studies, Professor Gustav Roth.
Citation | Prasad, Hari Shankar, ed. Philosophy, Grammar, and Indology: Essays in Honour of Professor Gustav Roth. Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica Series 20. Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, 1992. |