- Preface: The Making of a Modern Buddhologistv
- Introduction1
- José Ignacio Cabezón
- "The Canonization of Philosophy and the Rhetoric of Siddhānta in Tibetan Buddhism"7
- Roger Gregory-Tashi Corless
- "Lying to Tell the Truth—Upāya in Mahāyāna Buddhism and Oikonomia in Alexandrian Christianity"27
- Paul J. Griffiths
- "Painting Space with Colors: Tathagātagarbha in the Mahāyānasūttrālaṅkāra-Corpus IX.22-37"41
- William G. Grosnick
- "Buddha Nature as Myth"65
- Jamie Hubbard
- "Perfect Buddhahood, Absolute Delusion—The Universal Buddha of the San-chieh-chiao"75
- Roger R. Jackson
- "Luminous Mind. Among the Logicians—An Analysis of Pramāṇavārttika
- "Luminous Mind. Among the Logicians—An Analysis of Pramāṇavārttika
- John P. Keenan
- "The Doctrine of Buddha Nature In Chinese Buddhism—Hui-K'ai on
- "The Doctrine of Buddha Nature In Chinese Buddhism—Hui-K'ai on
- Sallie B. King
- "Buddha Nature Thought and Mysticism"139
- Heng-ching Shih
- "T'ien-T'ai Chih-I's Theory of Buddha Nature—A Realistic and Humanistic Understanding of the Buddha"153
- Paul L Swanson
- "T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's Concept of Threefold Buddha Nature—A Synergy of
Reality, Wisdom, and Practice"171
- "T'ien-t'ai Chih-i's Concept of Threefold Buddha Nature—A Synergy of
- Contributors183
- Index185