Khyentse, Dilgo

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PeopleKhyentse, Dilgo

Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Paljor(1910 - 1991) 
Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Peljor was one of the most prominent Nyingma lamas of the twentieth century, widely known also in the West. The mind reincarnation of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, his seat was Shechen Monastery, which he reestablished in Boudhanath, Nepal, in 1980. After fleeing the Communist takeover of Tibet, Dilgo Khyentse settled in Bhutan. A prolific author and treasure-revealer, his compositions are collected in twenty-five volumes. Although he received novice vows at age ten, he never fully ordained, living the life of a householder with wife and children.

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Other names

  • དིལ་མགོ་མཁྱེན་བརྩེ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • རབ་གསལ་ཟླ་བ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • འོད་གསལ་རྡོ་རྗེ་ཐུགས་མཆོག་རྩལ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • འགྱུར་མེད་ཐེག་མཆོག་བསྟན་པའི་རྒྱལ་མཚན་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • འཇམ་དབྱངས་བླ་མ་དགྱེས་པའི་འབངས་མངྒ་ལ་ · other names (Tibetan)
  • dil mgo mkhyen brtse · other names (Wylie)
  • rab gsal zla ba · other names (Wylie)
  • 'od gsal rdo rje thugs mchog rtsal · other names (Wylie)
  • 'gyur med theg mchog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan · other names (Wylie)
  • 'jam dbyangs bla ma dgyes pa'i 'bangs mang+ga la · other names (Wylie)

Affiliations & relations

  • Shechen Monastery · workplace affiliation
  • Brother is sangs rgyas mnyan pa 09 karma bshad sgrub bstan pa'i nyi ma. Daughter is sras mo 'chi med dbang mo. · familial relation
  • Nyingma · religious affiliation
  • 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po · emanation of
  • 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros · teacher
  • A 'dzoms 'brug pa 'gro 'dul dpa' bo rdo rje · teacher
  • Mi pham rgya mtsho · teacher
  • Zhechen Gyaltsab, 4th · teacher