Brunnhölzl, K.

From Buddha-Nature

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PeopleBrunnhölzl, K.

Karl Brunnhölzl
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Karl Brunnhölzl is one of the most prolific translators of Tibetan texts into English and has worked on all of the Five Treatises of Maitreya. He was originally trained as a physician. He took Buddhist refuge vows in 1984 and, in 1990, completed a five-year training in higher Buddhist philosophy at Kamalashila Institute, Germany, receiving the traditional Kagyü title of "Dharma tutor" (Tib. skyor dpon). Since 1988, he received his Buddhist and Tibetan language training mainly at Marpa Institute for Translators in Kathmandu, Nepal (director: Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche), and also studied Tibetology, Buddhology, and Sanskrit at Hamburg University, Germany. Since 1989, Karl served as a translator, interpreter, and Buddhist teacher mainly in Europe, India, and Nepal. Since 1999, he has acted as one of the main translators and teachers at Nitartha Institute (director: Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche) in the USA, Canada, and Germany. In addition, he regularly taught at Gampo Abbey's Vidyadhara Institute from 2000–2007. He is the author of several books on Buddhism, such as The Center of the Sunlit Sky, Straight from the Heart, In Praise of Dharmadhātu, and Luminous Heart (all Snow Lion Publications). He has also completed several ground-breaking translations in the Tsadra Foundation series, including a three-volume work on the Abhisamayālaṃkāra. He has also completed the work Prajñāpāramitā, Indian "gzhan stong pas", and the Beginning of Tibetan gzhan stong in the Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde series, and of course, When the Clouds Part, a translation of the Gyü Lama. In 2019 his translation of the Mahāyānasaṃgraha with Indian and Tibetan commentaries was published and won the Khyentse Foundation Prize For Outstanding Buddhist Translation.

Library Items

Affiliations & relations

    {{#arraymap:Nalandhabodhi; Nitartha Institute; Nitartha Translation Network |; |@@@ |
  • @@@ · workplace affiliation
  • | }}{{#arraymap:Kagyu;Nyigma;Nalandabodhi |; |@@@ |
  • @@@ · religious affiliation
  • | }}{{#arraymap:Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso;Ponlop Rinpoche |; |@@@ |
  • @@@ · teacher
  • | }}

{{#arraymaptemplate:Brunnhölzl, K.;People;Authors of English Works,Authors of German Works,Translators,Western Buddhist Teachers;; |MakeCategories |; |


{{#arraymap:Brunnhölzl, K.;;;Karl Brunnhölzl;;;Karl Brunnhölzl;Karl Brunnhölzl;Brunnhölzl, Karl |; |@@@


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