Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje, considered the mind incarnation of Jigme Lingpa, was a prominent holder of the Longchen Nyingtik. He was a disciple of the First Dodrubchen. Among his students were Dza Patrul and the Second Dodrubchen. ... read more at
Other names
ཡེ་ཤེས་རྡོ་རྗེ་ · other names (Tibetan)
མདོ་མཁྱེན་བརྩེ་ཡེ་ཤེས་རྡོ་རྗེ་ · other names (Tibetan)
འཇའ་ལུས་རྡོ་རྗེ་ · other names (Tibetan)
དཔལ་རི་མཁྱེན་བརྩེ་ཡེ་ཤེས་རྡོ་རྗེ་ · other names (Tibetan)
ye shes rdo rje · other names (Wylie)
mdo mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje · other names (Wylie)
'ja' lus rdo rje · other names (Wylie)
dpal ri mkhyen brtse ye shes rdo rje · other names (Wylie)
śrāvaka - The disciples of the Buddha who aspire to attain individual liberation or nirvāṇa. The final goal of the Hearers is to become an arhat, a state in which one has totally eliminated the inner problems of attachment, hatred and ignorance, the main causes for rebirth in this cycle of existence. There are four stages of a śrāvaka path including eight phases. Skt. श्रावक Tib. ཉན་ཐོས། Ch. 聲聞
Nyingma - The Nyingma, which is often described as the oldest tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, traces its origin to Padmasambhava, who is said to have visited Tibet in the eighth century. Tib. རྙིང་མ་