Lama Tsering: We Are Frozen 1 of 2

From Buddha-Nature
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Lama Tsering: We Are Frozen
  Part 1 of 2
  Part 2 of 2
Description If you remove the cold from the ice, it becomes what it has always been - water. Our buddha nature is like water under the influence of the cold, the poisons of the mind.
Description If you remove the cold from the ice it becomes what it has always been - water. Our buddha nature is like water under the influence of the cold, the poisons of the mind.
Featuring Tsering Everest
Producer Chagdud Gonpa Odsal Ling
Media Series We Are Frozen
2 Parts/Tracks
Creation Date 28 April 2019
Citation Everest, Tsering. "We Are Frozen." 2 pts. Filmed April 28, 2019 at Chagdud Gonpa Odsal Ling, Brazil. Video, pt. 1, 8:39,; pt. 2, 9:31.