One's True Mind and Inherent Nature by Sheng Yen

From Buddha-Nature
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One's True Mind and Inherent Nature by Sheng Yen
Our true mind is the pure mind of wisdom free of defilements. Our inherent nature refers to the nature of our being something common, which is also called the Buddha-nature. By taking refuge in our inner buddha-nature and letting go of our guest mind, which is subject to vexations, we can see our true mind, which is beyond defilement but functions as wisdom. To take refuge in oneself, one must first be able to realize the nature of his mind by the guidance of the Three Jewels. (Source Accessed Nov 17, 2020)
Featuring Sheng Yen
Creator Dharma Drum Mountain
Producer Dharma Drum Mountain
Includes Subtitles Yes
Creation Date 28 December 2012
Citation Sheng Yen. "One's True Mind and Inherent Nature: How to Take Refuge in Oneself." Produced by Dharma Drum Mountain, December 28, 2012. Video, 8:43.