We Are Enlightened by Nature

From Buddha-Nature
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We Are Enlightened by Nature
Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche provides encouragement that we are all enlightened by nature, and the path is a process of discovering that enlightened nature. Meditation practice serves to help us contact the nature directly. If we are in retreat and are making progress in that discovery process, we can relax because we are moving towards our goal.
Featuring The Second Dzigar Kongtrul, Jigme Namgyel
Producer Wisdom Productions
Creation Date 7 June 2015
Citation Dzigar Kongtrul, 2nd. "We Are Enlightened by Nature." Modern Day Bodhisattva Seminar, Talk 3. Produced by Wisdom Productions at Mangala Shri Bhuti, June 7, 2015. Video, 5:14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvXpgRu1wt4.