Rin chen byang chub

From Buddha-Nature
PeopleRin chen byang chub
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Rinchen Jangchub
12th cent. - 13th cent.
Rinchen Jangchub (rin chen byang chub) was born in a village called Lhadra (lha sgra) in Dento ('dan stod), Kham. His father, Tonpa Sanggye Pel (ston pa sangs rgyas dpal), was said to be an incarnation of Marpa Chokyi Lodro (mar pa chos kyi blo gros, 1012?-1097). His mother's name was Choden (chos ldan). They were members of the Kyura (skyu ra) clan, and relatives of Jikten Gonpo ('jig rten dgon po, 1143-1217), the founder of Drigung Til Monastery ('bri gung mthil dgon pa). Rinchen Jangchub had one sister and five brothers, including an elder brother, Won Sherab Jungne (dbon shes rab 'byung gnas, 1187-1241), who served as the third abbot of Drigung Monastery, and a youngest brother named Chennga Gampopa (spyan snga sgam po pa), another close disciple of Jikten Gonpo. The names of his other siblings are not known. . . .

Rinchen Changchup wrote many treatises including a commentary on Single Intention (dgongs gcig) titled Rinjangma (rin byang ma).
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Affiliations & relations

  • Shes rab 'byung gnas (older brother) · familial relation
  • Drigung Kagyu · religious affiliation
  • 'bri gung skyob pa 'jig rten mgon po · teacher